那打素全人健康持續進修學院 (英文簡稱NICHE) 的主要服務對象是醫療人員,學院的使命是倡導終身學習以索求全人健康,鼓勵他們實踐全人關顧,務求將最優質的醫療服務給予病人。學院「全人健康課程」 系列中的 “Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART)” ,是特別為新入職護士度身訂造的培訓。目的是希望透過輕鬆的分享,幫助新一代護士正視全人健康的需要,體驗如何從身、心、社、靈的方向去管理壓力及提升復原力,支援他們在護理路上踏出最艱難的第一步。
那打素全人健康持續進修學院 (英文簡稱NICHE) 的主要服務對象是醫療人員,學院的使命是倡導終身學習以索求全人健康,鼓勵他們實踐全人關顧,務求將最優質的醫療服務給予病人。學院「全人健康課程」 系列中的 “Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART)” ,是特別為新入職護士度身訂造的培訓。目的是希望透過輕鬆的分享,幫助新一代護士正視全人健康的需要,體驗如何從身、心、社、靈的方向去管理壓力及提升復原力,支援他們在護理路上踏出最艱難的第一步。
Hospital Museum
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing Home (ANNH)
Chaplaincy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH Chaplaincy)
Chaplaincy Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH Chaplaincy)
Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE)
Clinical Pastoral Education Training Programme (CPE)
Nethersole Outreaching Rehabilitation Mission (NORM)
HKACS – Jockey Club WHIH Project (Tai Po Centre)
District Health Centre Express in Tai Po District
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH)
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH)
United Christian Hospital (UCH)
Nethersole Outreaching Rehabilitation Mission (NORM)
Occupational Therapist I (Full-time / Part-time) [Contract till 30 June 2022]
Key Responsibilities
Interested parties please send application with detailed resume and expected salary to the Human Resources and Administration Manager, Central Administration Office, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation, Room J/7/29, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, 11 Chuen On Road, Tai Po, New Territories on or before 12 October 2021 (Tuesday), under confidential cover. Please mark on envelope the post of the job applied for. (Personal data collected would be used for recruitment purpose)
Closing Date: 2021-10-12