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Tai Po District Health Centre Express

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service, collaborating with Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation, is the operator of the Tai Po District Health Centre Express (DHCX) to provide free or subsidized primary healthcare services, including health promotion and education, health risk factors assessment and chronic disease management for service users with diabetes, hypertensions, musculoskeletal problems (low-back pain or osteoarthritis) and Tai Po’s value adding services (fall prevention and mild cognitive impairment), abided by the principles of “District-Based”, “Public-Private-Partnership”, and “Medical-Social-Collaboration”.
The DHCX at Fu Shin Shopping Centre and the service points in Tai Po have been in service. For details, please click here
Contact Information
Shop Nos. F115 & F116, First Floor, Fu Shin Shopping Centre, 12 On Po Road, Tai Po, N.T.
Opening Hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat:
10:00 to 18:00
Tue & Thurs:
10:00 to 21:00
Sun & Public Holiday: