Page 105 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 105

United Christian Hospital
Goals and Motto
   宗旨 Goals
基督教聯合醫院的使命,乃本着基督教的信念和精神,去愛護、照顧及服務傷病, 並加強社區的參與,致力謀求各界人士在身體、心智及社會意識上得以健全,以達致 全人健康之目標。
 鼓勵員工溫故知新,繼續進取,加強與本港及海外同業間的學術交流,不斷提高服 務水平。
 發揚克己奉公,敬業樂業之服務精神,使人盡其才,物盡其用,爭取高效率的運作, 成為一間負責任的醫院。
 United Christian Hospital (UCH) is dedicated to serving the community through the application of Christian Faith and the teachings of Jesus to love and care for the sick, and to promote community participation in attaining a state of physical, mental and social well-being of the individuals in the community.
The goals of the hospital are:
To provide comprehensive quality health care for the community through provision of medical, nursing and supportive care.
 To promote communication and participation among hospital staff, hospital and community.
 To disseminate knowledge of health, promote healthy life style and to inculcate in each person a responsibility for one’s own health.
 To pursue advancement of medical and health care through training and exchange of knowledge with local and overseas professional organizations.
 To be a responsible and responsive hospital through promoting dedication, competency and efficiency among staff and the appropriate use of resources.
 醫院院訓 UCH Motto
基督精神 醫護全人
With Christian Love We Care With Excellence We Serve
    UCH 103

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