Page 4 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 4

 關於我們 Introduction
雅麗氏何妙齡那打素慈善基金會(下稱「本會」)源遠流長,自雅麗氏利濟醫院於一八八七年成立至今,已為 廣大市民服務逾一百三十載。雖然經歷逾世紀的時代變遷,本會仍堅持以基督的大愛、「矜憫為懷」的本心, 不斷開拓多元化及高質素的醫護服務,為本港市民健康及長者護養上謀求福祉。由本會先賢創立的雅麗氏何妙 齡那打素醫院,現為醫院管理局轄下新界東聯網內的一間地區急症綜合醫院,積極實踐「全人醫護、無牆醫院」 的理念。一九七零年代,本會協助籌建觀塘基督教聯合醫院,並於一九九三年協助開辦東區尤德夫人那打素醫 院。隨着時代的進步和社會的發展,以及市民對具質素醫療服務的殷切需求,本會已相繼提供院牧服務、臨床 牧關教育訓練、長者護養服務、外展復康事工,以及成立培育及推動關懷文化的學院等。本會亟望藉着各項服 務彰顯和傳揚主耶穌基督的愛,使人在身、心、社、靈方面得着幫助,達至「榮神益人」的目標。
The Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation (“Foundation”) is well established with a history of over 130 years, since the opening of the Alice Memorial Hospital in 1887. Having witnessed changes over the centuries, we strive to pioneer and develop quality medical and health services based on the Love of Jesus, and the philosophy of serving with“Compassionate Love”. The Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, established by the forerunners of our Foundation, is now one of the acute general hospitals of the New Territories East Cluster of the Hospital Authority. It endeavours to work towards the missions of“Holistic Care and Hospital without Walls”. In the 1970’s, we assisted in the development of the United Christian Hospital in Kwun Tong, and in 1993, the commissioning and opening of the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Chai Wan. In response to the development and advancement of our society, and people’s keen demand for high quality healthcare services, we have launched chaplaincy service, clinical pastoral education programmes, elderly residential care, outreaching rehabilitation mission, and established an educational institute that promotes the culture of holistic health and holistic care. We have the firm belief that in the service of the people in need, the Christian belief in the wholeness of man, his body, mind, social being and spirit will be promoted and demonstrated, and our services provided would benefit people and glorify God.

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