Page 134 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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  院牧服務報告 Chaplaincy Service Report
Chaplaincy Department,
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
 Rev. Charles W.K. YU
Chief Chaplain
Distributing the gifts to staff and patients of Tai Po Jockey Club General Out-patient Clinic and Special Out-patient Department during Chinese New Year Festival
二零二零年至二零二一年是困難的一年。 在2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)的影響 下,院牧部暫停一般的病人關顧,而在緊 急情況下則透過電話通訊支援家屬。在員 工關顧方面,透過開發網絡平台推展服務, 取得良好成效。
在過往一年,2019 冠狀病毒病的疫情持續, 甚至有第二、第三及第四波疫情的出現。 因此,院牧仍未能如常進入病房關懷病 人。然而,病人和家屬的心靈需要並無減 少,以緊急候召(Urgent Call)為例,本 年度仍然收到 50 個(即每月平均有 4.2 個) 緊急候召。另一方面,本年度的轉介數字 較過往少,院牧透過電話聯絡病人和他們 的家屬,或是在病房外關懷家屬,務求作 出合宜的安排和提供適切的關懷。牧養關 懷中心 (PCC) 在疫情下,繼續定期支援專 科門診及社區診所,並在節日期間派送聖 誕節和新春禮物,也精心製作禮品送給診 所員工和病人,以作鼓勵和祝福。中心亦 加強網上視像關懷服務,期望將暖流廣泛 播送。
132 院牧服務-雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院
2020/2021 was a very tough year. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, usual patient care has come to a standstill while limited support was provided to families for very urgent crisis. Nevertheless, there was good advancement on staff support via online platform.
Caring for Patients and their families
In the past year, the pandemic lingered with the second, third and fourth waves, chaplains were unable to enter the ward and provide spiritual support to the patients. However, the need did not decrease with 50 urgent calls were received (monthly average about of 4.2 calls). There was no doubt that the number of referrals was not comparable to the previous figures. Chaplains have been making phone contacts to the patients and their families, or meeting the families outside the wards. As such, effective spiritual support was rendered. The Pastoral Care Centre (PCC) continued to provide spiritual support to the Special Out-patients Department and the two community clinics during Christmas and Chinese New Year, with special gift items. The use of video conference has been extended in providing warmth to the clients.

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