Page 151 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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Elderly Service
Mission, Core Values and Goals
  使命 Mission
秉承那打素醫院「矜憫為懷」的精神,發揚基督愛心,實踐「全人關顧」,使長者能安享有 意義和充實的生活。
Inheriting the Nethersole culture of "Caring with Compassionate Love", we are committed to the provision of "Holistic Care" with the Love of Christ, so that elders can enjoy a meaningful and dignified life.
核心價值 Core Values
落實提供身、心、社、靈四方面的照顧,以達「全人關顧」的服務。 同心協力不分你我,以長者為先,發揮「團隊精神」,以關顧的服務態度提供「優質服務」。 本着努力進修「不斷學習」的精神,把新知識運用於服務上,以達「持續改進」。
   To focus on elders' physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects in providing "Holistic Care".
All staff work closely to enhance "Team Spirit" for the benefit of elders and to provide "Quality Service" with a caring attitude.
   Through "Continuous Learning" we are able to add new elements to our service for "Continuous Improvement".
 目標 Goals
 提供一個溫暖舒適的家,使長者享受健康愉快的生活; 關顧長者健康進展,提供「全人護理」和合適的復康運動,提升生活質素; 促進長者間的愉悅友情聯繫,並提供心理健康教育、輔導服務及康樂活動; 尊重長者的個人自由及私隱權利; 促進院方、長者及家人間的良好溝通,以加強聯繫及支持; 提供靈性照顧,以助長者得享平安、喜樂、永生和盼望,活出豐盛晚年;及 建立關顧員工之文化,發揮團隊精神,從而達到「矜憫為懷」的服務目標。
       To provide a warm home to elders for a healthy and enjoyable life;
 To provide holistic care by closely monitoring personal health, and formulate individualized rehabilitation exercises to enhance better quality of life;
    To foster friendship amongst elders, and to provide them with health education, counselling services as well as recreational activities;
 To respect elders' individual freedom and privacy;
    To facilitate communication and mutual support amongst elders, relatives and the Home;
          To provide spiritual care for elders and to support them with peace, joyfulness, eternal life and hope for the enjoyment of enriched lives; and
   To promote a "Care for the Carer" culture, which is conducive to the fostering of team spirit and the delivery of "Care with Compassionate Love".
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