Page 153 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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                   服務報告 Service Report
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing Home
    Ms. Asenla M.K. HUNG
Christmas carolling by volunteers
雅麗氏何妙齡那打素護養院的專業團隊秉 承「矜憫為懷」的宗旨,致力為長者院友 提供身、心、社、靈四方面的照顧,以達 致「全人關顧」的優質住宿服務。
護養院於本年度的平均入住率維持於 93.6%,平均入住人數達 220 人,其中 43 位是新院友。全院院友平均為 85.8 歲,約 16.5% 院友需用喉管餵飼,其他院友則需 要護士及照顧員協助進食。全年平均 94% 院友需以輪椅代步及 / 或長期卧床。起居 活動方面屬全面倚賴 / 高度協助的院友達 94.6%。按香港版蒙特利爾認知評估五分 鐘版 (HK-MoCA 5-Min Protocol) 的標準, 94.6% 院友患有認知障礙症。
面對持續整年的疫情,本院員工不論崗位, 繼續抱着「矜憫為懷、全人關顧」的精神 服務院友,一方面加強全院防感染控制措 施,包括添置空氣消毒機、防菌屏風、消 毒噴霧機等;另一方面密切留意疫情發展, 適時更新政策及安排,例如於農曆新年期 間局部開放探訪安排,讓院友繼續享有舒 適的住宿照顧生活,同時院友家屬亦可安 心。
Inheriting the Nethersole's culture of "Caring with Compassionate Love", the professional team of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing Home (ANNH) commits to deliver physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects in providing "Holistic Care" with quality residential services to elders.
The average occupancy rate was 93.6% with an average residency at 220, including 43 new residents. The residents' average age was 85.8 years old. Around 16.5% of our residents are on tube feeding and most of the rest have to be fed by nurses and personal health workers. In average, 94% of residents are chair bounds and/or bed bounds. 94.6% of residents are highly dependent. Based on the assessment of HK-MoCA 5-Min Protocol, 94.6% of residents have dementia.
In response to the continuing and raging epidemic, our staff, regardless of their positions, stick to serve the residents with the spirit of "Compassionate Love and Holistic Care". ANNH strengthened infection control measures, including installation of air purifiers, anti-bacterial screens, disinfection frogging machines, etc. Moreover, ANNH paid close attention to the epidemic development, and updated policies and arrangements promptly, such as implementation of temporary and special visit arrangements during Chinese New Year, the residents enjoyed comfortable living and holistic care at ANNH, while their families had a little worried.
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