Page 164 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 164

   服務報告 Service Report
Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education
Dr. Iris F.K. LEE
Promotion of holistic health by puppetry
那打素全人健康持續進修學院 (NICHE) 於二零二零至二零二一年度 2019 冠狀病 毒病的疫情影響下,在穩健的服務基礎 上加以調整和創新,務求在推廣全人健 康、全人關顧上繼續往前。教育培訓方 面:開拓網上課程,嚴守防疫措施;一 貫的實體課改以小組形式進行,以保持 社交距離和符合人數限制。文化與關顧 方 面: 建 立 NICHE YouTube 頻 道, 以 網絡方式傳遞全人健康與全人關顧的信 息。科研與出版方面:以科研資助計劃 形式,拓展全人健康與全人關顧的知識 領域。有兩篇科研結果報告刊登於國際 期刊;其他出版,包括季刊、新書籍和 報刊。
Under epidemic prevention measures, NICHE continued to provide series of programmes on holistic health, holistic care and holistic leadership to our frontline staff in the format according to the nature of the programme either in small group or online. Five online programmes were tailor made for nurses including "Emotional Quotient in Holistic Care", "Empathetic Communication", "Conflict Management", "Counselling Skills" and "Clinical Coaching Skills", which were well received by participants. Pastel Nagomi Art workshops were conducted for participants to experience managing
為配合防疫措施,並持續為前線醫護人員 提供學習機會,常規的全人健康、全人關 顧及全人領導課程改以小組形式或網上進 行。另特別設計五個專為護士而設的網上 課 程 , 包 括「 情 緒 商 數 」、「 同 理 溝 通 」、
「衝突管理」、「輔導技巧」和「臨床帶教技 巧」,廣受歡迎。舉辦日本和諧粉彩畫工 作坊,讓醫院內不同階層的員工嘗試以藝
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Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE) in face of the pandemic of COVID-19 continued to develop and breakthrough her services in 2020/2021. Relating to education and training, online courses have been developed and implemented. Face-to-face courses have been delivered in small group format so as to follow infectious control practice strictly. Regarding culture and care, NICHE YouTube Channel has been newly established for promoting holistic health and holistic care to staff, medical and nursing students via internet. In relation to research and publication, NICHE Research Grant was used to develop the knowledge of holistic health and holistic care and there were two publications of research results in international refereed journals in this year. Other publications included NICHE quarterly newsletter, a new book and some newspaper articles.

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