Page 165 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 165

 術方式舒緩壓力,促進身心靈健康。學院 同時為支援職系員工舉辦各類加油活動, 以輕鬆活潑的手法,感謝大家付出的努力 和貢獻,凝聚團隊精神。
Workshop on Clinical Coaching Skills
stress and enhance personal growth through the form of art. For supporting staff, various activities were designed for them to acknowledge their contributions in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.
Professional & Personal Enhancement Programme 2.0 (PPEP 2.0)
        給新入職護士的 SMART 工作坊
Workshop of SMART (Stress Management and Resilience Training) for new nurses
Mindful stretching exercise
Emotion weather report
提昇護理人員個人照顧的工作坊 Self-enhancement workshops for nursing staff
        情緒九宮格 Emotion grid
學院網上課程 2020
NICHE online course 2020
     NICHE 163

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