Page 168 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 168

 服務報告 Service Report
 為進一步推廣「全人健康 ‧ 全人關顧」, NICHE 於香港經濟日報智富雜誌的無牆 醫院 @iM 網欄刊登專題文章,包括:「塑 全人健康 展生命力量」介紹學院從身、 心、社、靈四個向度,協助護理人員管理 壓力及提昇復原力;「當摯愛遠逝之三封 不寄的信」透過三封不寄的信了解面對摰 親死亡的心路歷程及反思生命的意義;
Holistic health and holistic care were further promoted to the public with three special feature articles being published on the column of "Hospital without Walls" - iMoney of Hong Kong Economic Times. Topics covered holistic health by introducing the services of NICHE, psychological experience of a bereaved person with reflection on the meaning of life, and the story of a frontline nurse who had taken care patients infected by COVID-19. In addition, an article about selection of eye care supplements was published in HK01.
雅風第 92-95 期「全人生命成長」: 由少年成長,到青年、中年及至晚年篇
The four sub-themes of Ya-feng "Holistic Life Development": Adolescence (ages 13-18), Early Adulthood (ages 19-40), Adulthood (ages 41-65 歲 ) and Late Adulthood (ages 65+)
NICHE is looking forward to promoting holistic health and holistic care further, through the development in educational and cultural heritage activities, publications and research. Hopefully the long battle of COVID-19 will be over next year. NICHE will initiate more activities, aiming at provision of timely and suitable services so as to meet the needs of healthcare workers and the society of Hong Kong.
「鐵漢柔情-前線醫護在 COVID-19 疫情下 的反思」專訪一位前線護士,分享他在醫 院管理局社區治療設施照顧 2019 冠狀病 毒病確診者的心路歷程。此外,NICHE 在
   《香港01》跟讀者分享如何選擇護眼補 充品。
The Holistic Care Practice Manual
  NICHE 展望在教育及文化活動、出版和科 研上持續發展,期望歷時一年多的抗疫可 以在來年結束。NICHE 將推出更多適切的 服務,以回應醫療人員和香港社會的需要。
166 那打素全人健康持續進修學院

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