Page 170 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 170

 讚賞 Appreciations
 Holistic Care Enhancement Programmes
生命晚期:臨終關懷照顧課程 2020
講解 Advance Directive & Advance Care Planning 清晰,可以真正令自己提早思考一下對死亡的想法
學會身、心、社、靈治療的細節 互動、欣賞對《死亡之自我了解》環節
         Holistic Leadership Development Programmes
Clinical Coaching Skills for Nurses
Constructive advice, very useful
Case studies and demonstration of different mentoring skills are very good! The content is constructive and useful in our daily work
Core Counselling Skills for Nurse Mentors
Give inspiration, very useful especially the micro-skill
Useful and funny workshop, help my work in counselling to preceptee Case study with sharing is excellent, it's a very valuable session
Professional & Personal Enhancement Programme 2.0 (PPEP 2.0) "Enhancing Personal Strengths in Adversity"
Really appreciate to bring up such challenging topic for discussion Good! Good! Good!
Great to know that we all have HOPE!
                    168 那打素全人健康持續進修學院

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