Page 185 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 185

         實踐,逐漸成為我們團隊的強大支援後盾。 現時,部份義工會跟社工或護士一起家訪、 參與電話關懷行動,以及協助帶領「全人 身心靈課程」,發揮同路人的力量。
Project. Currently, some volunteers would make home visits with social workers or nurses, participate in telephone care operations, and assist the ''Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Course'' (IBMS) to give full play to the power of companies.
  義工團隊協助製作橙花噴霧送贈服務使用者,為他們 送上新春祝福
Volunteer Team made the Neroli Moisturizer Spray as the Chinese New Year gift to cancer patients
義工在工作坊中一起學習放 鬆練習,深切明白關心別人 時,同樣要懂得關愛自己 Volunteers experienced the relaxation practice in the workshop and understood how to care others and also care themselves
展望 Prospect
義工協助帶領全人身心靈課程的分享環節 Volunteers assisted to lead the sharing sessions of IBMS group
         本計劃以一對一形式由個案經理跟進患者 The WHIH Project is featured of one to one support by caseworkers.
情況,適時提供個人化支援,與癌症患者 和照顧者攜手同行,面對抗癌路上的挑戰。 兩年多的服務已有近千名受惠者,並得到 他們的讚賞和認同,給予計劃團隊很大的 鼓舞。在完成三年的「攜手同行」癌症家 庭支援計劃後,團隊期待下一個服務內容 更豐富、更貼合癌症病人、照顧者以至癌 症康復者需要的新項目,讓我們能繼續全 方位支援患者和照顧者。
We provide personal support, walk hand-in-hand with patients and caregivers, and face the challenges together. Around a thousand beneficiaries have been served over the past two years. Appreciations and reorganizations were received which greatly encouraged the WHIH Project team. After completing the three-year WHIH Project, the team is looking forward to the next new project with richer service content and more tailored to the needs of cancer patients, caregivers and survivors. We endeavor to provide our holistic care and support to them.
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