Page 184 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 184

 服務報告 Service Report
           線上八段錦課程 Online Badujin Class
在中秋佳節為服務使用者送上心意禮物,讓他們 在疫情下也能感受被關愛
Team prepared for Mid-Autumn festival gift packs and shared love and blessings with patients under COVID-19
邀請中醫師主講「癌症治療後之飲食與調理」線上講座 Chinese Medicine Practitioner was invited to share ''The diets after cancer treatment'' via online talk
其中一位服務使用者參加活動後,更愛上和諧粉彩畫, 並為本中心設計新春賀卡
One of the service users was interested in Pastel Nagomi Art even more after participating in our online course, and designed a Chinese New Year' s greeting card for the Centre
Volunteers grow up
Volunteers of WHIH Project (Tai Po Centre) are mostly cancer survivors and caregivers. They understand the ups and downs of the cancer journey and hope to be the companies with other cancer patients, sharing their experiences and supporting each other. Volunteers must participate in training courses, learn basic visiting skills and volunteer rules and then practice in different workshops. They gradually become a strong supporting team of the WHIH
  同工拍攝教學短片和郵寄 工具包予服務使用者,讓 他們安在家中透過繪畫和 諧粉彩畫,學習專注,紓 緩情緒
  Video clip and tools set were sent to the service users for their online learning on concentration and relaxation by drawing Pastel Nagomi Art at home
「攜手同行」癌症家庭支援計劃 ( 大埔中心 ) 的義工主要是癌症康復者及照顧者,他們 深明抗癌路上的高低起跌,期望成為別人 的同路人,把自己的經驗與他們分享,互 相守望。義工須參與訓練課程,學習基本 探訪技巧和義工守則,並於不同工作坊中
182 香港防癌會-賽馬會 「攜手同行」癌症家庭支援計劃(大埔中心)

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