Page 87 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 87

A new series of posters and roll-up banners were posted in HKEC hospitals and General Out-patient Clinics to convey the importance of resilience amid the prolonged COVID-19 situation
  一個屬於港島東醫院聯網的「疫光時刻」職 員工作及生活分享平台亦在醫院內聯網成立, 希望同事能透過平台分享文字、照片、錄像 或漫畫,互訴工作上的難忘時刻、日常生活 及留守在家的生活點滴,互相支持鼓勵。這 平台一共收到 67 張照片分享。而「港島東 的日與夜 - 疫光片羽」職員攝影比賽中的得 獎作品亦於二零二零年七月至十二月期間在 港島東醫院聯網各醫院及社區進行巡迴展覽。
SOY 及香港交通安全隊於二零二一年二月中 旬至四月聯手推出「醫護努力 全民抗疫」即 時通訊軟件 Stickers 創作比賽,旨在提供大 眾對正確抗疫常識及資訊的認識,並為前線 醫護人員打氣。比賽共收到 20 份作品。
Under the ''疫光時刻'' project, aiming at promoting positive energy and mutual support, HKEC staff were invited to share their happiness, gratitude, thoughts and reflections from life under the new normal in various formats, including photos, comics, videos or write-ups. 67 photos were received and posted onto the online platform on the intranet of HKEC. Exhibition of award-winning pieces of the staff photography competition was held at HKEC hospitals and also in the community during the period from July to December 2020.
In addition, a Sticker Design Competition for Instant Messaging application was held from mid-February to April 2021, jointly co-organized with the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (HKRSP) and Hong Kong East Cluster (HKEC) aiming at promoting tips of fighting the COVID-19 under the new normal and cheering up the clinical frontline staff in fighting for the virus. Twenty entries have been collected.

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