Page 86 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 86

 服務報告 Service Report
''Support Of You'' 工作小組
''Support Of You''(SOY)工 作 小 組 由 精 神 科醫生、護士和專職醫療代表(包括:院 牧、臨床心理學家、社區及病人資源部、職 業治療),以及職員緊急事故心理服務中心 (CIPS)、資訊科技和人力資源部所組成。為 支持港島東醫院聯網的員工,SOY 籌辦了不 同的計劃來增強同事在應對 2019 冠狀病毒 病 (COVID-19) 沉重的挑戰。
SOY 製作了一個無線射頻辨識 (RFID) 卡套, 套上印有二維碼,連結至港島東健康資源網 的「抗疫錦囊」,向同事介紹由社區夥伴所 提供的社會心理支援服務。同時,在醫院內 展示由義工、病人組織和社區合作夥伴送上 的祝福心意卡和打氣片段。一系列的二維碼 海報及捲軸式海報亦張貼在港島東醫院聯網 各醫院及門診,以提醒同事在長久的疫情中, 也要多關心及愛護自己。
SOY 於二零二零年八月一日 ( 星期六 ),舉 辦了「疫光同行 港島東有你」網上研討會, 藉以推廣精神健康和建立抗壓及復元力, 吸引超過 110 位同事參加。而在二零二零年 十月十四日 ( 星期三 ) 午膳時間,SOY 舉辦 了第二場名為「疫光談 Teen」網上研討會, 特別邀請專家和大家分享如何預防或治療子 女打機成癮的問題、輔助子女適應學習新常 態及支援在疫境中受情緒困擾的子女。是次 研討會亦吸引近 100 位同事參加。
Care for Staff under COVID-19
"Support Of You" Work Group for HKEC Staff
The "Support Of You Working Group" (SOY) which was formed to support HKEC staff comprised of psychiatrists, nurses and allied health representatives (Chaplaincy, Clinical psychology, Community & Patient Resource, Occupational Therapy) as well as Critical Incident Psychological Service (CIPS), Information Technology and Human Resources. During the battle against COVID-19, SOY formulated various plans to reach our staff to enhance their resilience in an adverse situation.
QR code RFID card holders had been produced with immediate online access to ''Anti-pandemic Friendly Kit'' under ''healthyhkec'' website, where community resources of psychosocial support by NGOs were introduced. Blessing cards and cheer-up videos from volunteers, patients and our close community partners were displayed in cluster intranet. A new series of roll-up banners and posters were posted in HKEC hospitals and General Out-patient Clinics to convey the importance of resilience amid the prolonged COVID-19 situation. Over 100 staff have participated.
The first Webinar for HKEC staff was held on 1 August 2020. Five topics related to the promotion of mental health and building anti-stress and rejuvenation were delivered by psychiatrists, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist and social workers. Over 110 staff participated in the Webinar.
A lunch talk delivered by a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist was organized on 14 October 2020, promoting the use of positive parenting skills against children's internet addiction as a result of social isolation due to the disease outbreak. Nearly 100 staff participated in the second Webinar.
設計精美的無線射頻辨識卡套印有港島東健康資源網的「抗疫 錦囊」二維碼
QR code of "Anti-pandemic Friendly Kit" under "healthyhkec" website had been printed on RFID card holders
     84 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院

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