Page 115 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 115

  二零二零年初,2019 冠狀病毒病爆發,全 賴聯網及醫院員工上下發揮團隊精神,設 定和實踐多項應變計劃和措施,包括院內 隔離設施、防護衣物的供應、服務調整、 人事和各項支援等,以迅速應對疫情。此 外,以九龍東聯網為基礎的傳染病服務網 絡亦因而設立,以加強傳染病支援服務的 涵蓋範圍、協調和管理。
按着《九龍東聯網臨床服務計劃》的規劃, 聯合醫院於二零一六年起正式設立腫瘤科 部門。除了籌劃在擴建大樓成立癌症中心 外,同時致力於本年度提供更優質的服務, 包括增設腫瘤科急症病床、提供額外的日 間化療服務人次、設立癌症個案經理計劃 為額外乳癌病人提供服務,為區內病人提 供適時診斷、治療及其他支援。
就日間診治服務方面,已增加專科門診就 診服務人次;更透過優化服務模式,推行 兒科及精神科協作,額外提供專職醫療門 診服務人次,以加強兒童及青少年精神科 服務。另外,本院亦於本年度加強康復服 務,為病人提供出院支援,包括額外提供 醫療評估予患有髖關節及急性中風的年長 病人;並推行以聯網為基礎的護士分流團 隊,以協助出院規劃。
聯合醫院秉承傳統信念,一直以病人為本 及提供優質服務為首要目標。上年度開展 由聯網跨專科團隊合作的「促進術後康復 計劃」,於本年度繼續推展,為更多病人
In early 2020, Hong Kong and worldwide were hit by the COVID-19 epidemic. With collective effort, UCH had established and implemented various contingency plans and timely measures to combat the epidemic, which included setting up hospital isolation facilities, ensuring stable supply of critical personal protective equipment, adopting service adjustment and providing support on human resources etc. In addition, a cluster-based infectious disease network at KEC had been established for expanding service coverage and improving coordination and infectious disease management.
To tide in with the strategic direction set out in the “KEC Clinical Service Plan”, the Oncology Department was established in UCH in 2016. UCH was committed to provide quality cancer service. While actively planning for a cancer centre in the new ambulatory block of the UCH expansion project, the hospital commenced to provide new acute oncology beds for inpatients in this year. Chemotherapy services and cancer case management services were enhanced to increase the service throughput for day patients and breast cancer patients respectively. This had facilitated timely diagnosis, treatment planning and related support for cancer patients in our local community.
On ambulatory care services, UCH had lifted up the capacity through addition of the specialist outpatient clinic (SOPC) attendances as well as allied health outpatient attendances for paediatric and adolescent psychiatric patients at KEC. Rehabilitation care was further improved this year with addition of needs assessments for elderly patients with hip fracture and acute stroke in order to enhance post-discharge support for them. In addition, a cluster- based nursing triage team had been set up to facilitate pre-discharge planning.
UCH has been striving for excellence in upholding patient safety and providing quality services. Through multi-disciplinary and cross- hospital collaboration, the hospital launched the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programme last year for patients undergoing
         對抗 2019 冠狀病毒病 Combating COVID-19 Pandemic
Opening of Oncology Bed Ward
 UCH 113

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