Page 117 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 117

基督教聯合醫院多年來與多個政府部門、 社區團體及病友組織建立了深厚的鄰里關 係,而本院社區參與及義工服務部每年都 與不同社區團體合辦多個具意義的社區協 作項目及義工服務,務求與區內團體及病 友組織共同建立一個健康和諧的社區。雖 然今年受着疫情影響,大部份醫院義工服 務及支援病人的實體服務須暫停,但本部 亦透過不同的項目及網上活動與義工們連 繫,繼續服務有需要的病人及家屬。過去 一年重點項目包括:
病友組織與醫院協作項目:「風中支友」- 中風患者及家屬支援社區協作計劃
由本院急症中風團隊、健康資源中心與病 友組織「新健社」及「慧進會」共同策劃及 推動的「風中支友」計劃,目的是透過朋 輩義工的力量,促進中風病人及其照顧者 賦能,並針對病人的長期復康需要,幫助 他們重新融入社區。
疫情持續,要在社交距離下繼續運動習 慣,實在不容易。為此,健康資源中心於 二零二零年十一月繼續與「慧進會」合作, 進行網上版的氣功八段錦班,讓患者維持 復康的動力。有參加者坦言,每個星期習 慣與風中支友一起練習,推動他在沒有活 動的日子也恆常運動;也有參加者在參與 活動後主動提出到平台走走, 舒展身心, 其家屬感謝中心堅持在疫症下仍安排活動 鼓勵參加者。
Community Service
UCH had established a close relationship with the governmental departments, community organizations and patient groups for many years. Every year, the Community Involvement and Volunteer Services Department (CIVSD) cooperated with different parties for organizing diversified and meaningful collaborative projects and volunteer services in order to build a healthy and harmonious community. Despite the influence of COVID-19 that many of hospital patient support and volunteer services were suspended, the department had put much effort in pioneering different kinds of volunteers services and online empowerment programmes to patients and their caregivers. Here below were the programme highlights in the past year:
Tripartite Collaborative Project – Stroke Patient Support Programme
In the collaboration with UCH Acute Stroke Team, Health Resource Centre (HRC), Hong Kong Stroke Association and the Self-help Group for the Brain Damaged, Stroke Patient Support Programme had been developing for patient and caregiver empowerment in rehabilitation and community re-integration.
Online Baduanjin Programme
It was very difficult for everyone to keep exercise under the policy of Social Distancing during the pandemic. UCH HRC cooperated with the Self-help Group for the Brain Damaged to organize online Baduanjin programme in order to encourage stroke patients to keep exercise at home. Patients became more motivated and happier to do exercise with stroke friends on the screen while those carers appreciated very much for such arrangement by HRC.
Volunteers and members showing support to each other through internet
Peer volunteer leading Baduanjin exercise via ZOOM
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