Page 12 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 12

                                                                                                                                  服務簡介 Service Brief
「家居復康服務」於二零零零年四月一日正 式開展。服務使命是發揚那打素精神 |「本 矜憫心懷,關顧全人;幫助殘障者,展現 潛能跨越限制,體會生命意義,活出豐盛 人生」,主要為居住偏遠及較適合在家中 接受治療的病患者提供到訪復康服務,以 填補本地醫療系統下社區復康服務的隙縫。 該服務於二零零三年定名為「那打素外展 復康事工」,並於二零一三年一月一日起 轉由社福有限公司管理,以配合更多元化 的服務發展。
香港防癌會 – 賽馬會「攜手同行」 癌症家庭支援計劃 ( 大埔中心 )
本會於二零一八年九月起參與香港防癌會 – 賽馬會「攜手同行」癌症家庭支援計劃, 營辦大埔中心,與香港防癌會及基督教家 庭服務中心攜手合作,推行為期三年計劃。 大埔中心團隊由註冊護士及註冊社工組成, 以一對一模式,全面照顧癌症家庭於身體、 心理、社交及靈性方面的需要。
Nethersole Outreaching Rehabilitation Mission
''Home Based Rehabilitation Service'' was inaugurated on 1 April 2000. The mission is ''to provide holistic care with a compassionate heart, to help the disabled overcome limitations, and live an abundant life with full potential and meaning'' . On-site rehabilitation service is provided to patients who are unable to use hospital service or centre- based service due to mobility difficulties or remote residence, in order to fill up the gap of rehabilitation service in the local health care system. The Service has been renamed as ''Nethersole Outreaching Rehabilitation Mission'' (NORM) since 2003, and managed by our Social Service Ltd. since 1 January 2013 with a view to further developing its services to cater for the needs of the community.
HKACS – Jockey Club ''Walking Hand-in-Hand'' Cancer Family Support Project (Tai Po Centre)
Collaborating with the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS) and the Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) in this three-year Project funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Tai Po Centre has been set up since September 2018. The team comprises registered nurse and registered social workers who take care of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of cancer families in a one-to-one mode.
United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service
''Kwun Tong Community Health Project'' was launched in 1972 by the United Christian Medical Service (UCMS). With the same vision, the ''Nethersole Community Health Service'' was kicked off in Tai Po in 1994, preparing for the relocation of the Nethersole Hospital. They merged to become the ''United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service'' on 1 April 1997 under the auspice of UCMS. Our Foundation continued to participate in its management in pursuit of a broader vision to realize the concept of ''Leading a Healthy Life'' and a deeper commitment to ''Holistic Health'' .
The Nethersole School of Nursing
Founded in 1893 by the forerunners of our Foundation, The Nethersole School of Nursing (NSN) was relocated to the United Christian Hospital in 1974. The School strived to train students beyond theoretical nursing practice in various aspects: moral, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual, for the delivery of holistic care service. The School piloted the Professional Diploma in Nursing Programme in 1997 and upgraded the Programme to a tertiary education level. With the graduation of the last batch of students in December 2001, the School has merged with the Department of Nursing of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) since
                               一九七二年基督教聯合醫務協會成立「觀 塘社區健康發展計劃」。一九九四年,當時 快將遷往大埔的那打素醫院在大埔區開展
「那打素社區健康服務」。兩者於一九九七 年四月一日合併為「基督教聯合那打素社 康服務」,組織上雖隸屬基督教聯合醫務協 會,但管理上本會則繼續積極參與,務求 服務更臻完善,倡導「健康生活化,生活 健康化」,邁向「全人健康」的理想。
由本會先賢於一八九三年創辦之那打素護 士學校,於一九七四年遷至基督教聯合醫 院,百多年來護校不單向學生傳授護理知 識,更致力灌輸德、智、體、群、靈的人 生價值觀,務求實踐全人治療的理念。 護校於一九九七年開辦護理專業文憑課 程,將課程提升至大專程度。隨着最後一 班學生於二零零一年底畢業後,護校於 二零零二年一月一日起與香港中文大學護
10 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素慈善基金會

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