Page 11 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 11

                                              為東九龍區的市民提供多元的醫療服務, 當中包括住院、日間醫院、門診服務以及 社區護理服務。此外亦管理五所聯網內的 普通科門診診所。
雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院本着「全人治療」 的宗旨,早於一九五零年代聘任專責教牧 同工擔任病室的福音事工。隨着社會的改 變,牧關事工不斷發展,專業院牧團隊在 醫院中加強了對病人、家屬及員工的關懷 和傳福音工作。一九九七年遷院大埔後開 辦「臨床牧關教育」(CPE)訓練課程,培 訓專業院牧和教牧,其 CPE 中心於一九九九 年獲美國臨床牧關教育協會 (ACPE) 督導 們評定為亞太區的典範,更獲香港院牧界 認可。從二零零二年起,本會的院牧服務 已重整架構為「那打素牧關事工」以配合 更多元化之服務發展,服務範圍現已拓展 至本會轄下的長者院舍、醫院內之中醫門 診以及社區診所,實踐無牆牧關理念。
護養院位於九龍灣健康中心,由政府資 助,為 65 歲或以上的長者提供長期住院 護理服務,於一九九九年投入服務,並於 二零零二年五月增設床位至 238 張。
學院於二零零二年成立,持守使命: 「倡導終身學習以索求全人健康為享受豐 盛生命,結合科學藝術以實踐全人關顧為 提供優質服務」。藉教育及文化推廣活動、 出版、研究等工作,繼續發揚、推廣、發 展並落實那打素「矜憫為懷」的精神和「全 人健康、全人關顧」的文化。透過與醫護 人員和機構的合作,以體驗學習及互動模 式進行教育活動,積極促進各階層人士關 注全人健康,鼓勵實踐全人關顧,進而助
Hospital Authority providing healthcare services of in-patient, day- patient, out-patient and community care to the population of the Eastern Kowloon. UCH also manages five general out-patient clinics in the Kowloon East Region.
Nethersole Chaplaincy Ministries
With a mission for ''Holistic Care'' , the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital appointed a designated pastoral staff to look after the religious work in the wards in the early 1950's. Continuous development in Chaplaincy ministry was necessary in order to meet the needs of the changing society. A professional Chaplaincy team was established to provide care to the patients and families as well as hospital staff. After moving to the Tai Po site in 1997, the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programme was launched for providing professional training to chaplains and pastors alike. In 1999, the Nethersole CPE Centre was accredited by the supervisors of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) of USA and recognized as a role model for the Asia Pacific Region. It further received recognition in the chaplaincy field in Hong Kong. Since 2002, the Chaplaincy Service has been re-structured and re-named as ''Nethersole Chaplaincy Ministries'' in order to cope with a more diversified service development, with current service extended to Elderly Home of the Foundation, the Hospital's Chinese Medicine Service and community clinics, fulfilling the concept of spiritual care without walls.
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing Home
Situated in the Kowloon Bay Health Centre, the Home is subvented by the Government, providing long term residential care to senior citizens at the age of 65 or above who require considerable medical and nursing attention. The Home has commenced service since 1999. From May 2002, the number of beds increased to 238.
Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education
Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE) was established in 2002 with the mission of ''promoting lifelong learning in the pursuit of holistic health for life abundance; and in the art and science of holistic health care in order to serve with quality.'' NICHE actualizes the Nethersole spirit of ''Compassionate Care'' in holistic care culture by means of education, cultural heritage activities, publication and research. NICHE establishes partnership with various health care professionals and related organizations, and adopts experiential learning and interactive approaches in provision of educational activities, so as to promulgate the importance of holistic health and advocate holistic care in assisting people to fulfill life enrichment.
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