Page 13 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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                                                                                                                                                                  理學系合併為那打素護理學院,由這所素 享盛名之高等學府培育專業護理專才,繼 續把護校全人治療的理念及矜憫為懷的精 神發揚光大。
世界傳道會 / 那打素基金
世界傳道會 / 那打素基金於一九九七年 九月十九日成立為一獨立之信託人基金, 透過資助香港及內地屬宣教、醫療健康、 教育及社會服務有需要的事工,以宣揚基 督的博愛和分享精神。基金信託人董事局 十分之三的成員由本會提名,而本會總辦 事處則為該基金提供包括行政及財政事務 等秘書處支援。
1 January 2002. The name of The Nethersole School of Nursing continues to promote the caring culture and philosophy of the Nethersole in the firm belief that such culture and philosophy will merge with the Department's position of distinction as a leading provider of nursing education.
CWM/Nethersole Fund
The CWM/Nethersole Fund was set up on 19 September 1997. Its object is to spread the love of Christ and the spirit of sharing by subsidizing the projects and services in need in both Hong Kong and Mainland China of the following nature: evangelism, medical and health, education and social service. Three of the ten members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by our Foundation. The Central Administration Office of the Foundation provides full secretariat support to the Fund, including administration, finance and accounting.
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