Page 120 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 120

 服務報告 Service Report
Scan the below QR Code to watch the encouraging music video of ''Neighborhoods Together''
       九龍東醫院聯網 生死教育講座系列 之 「認識遺體捐贈」
由九龍東醫院聯網三間健康資源中心合辦 之社區生死教育講座系列 -「認識遺體捐贈」 已於二零二一年三月六日順利舉行。因疫 情之故,活動由原定去年第一季舉行,延 至今年以網上形式進行,不過亦無阻本聯 網的義工及病人互助小組組員參與的興致。 活動邀得香港中文大學醫學院解剖室經理 伍桂麟先生與大家分享捐贈遺體的意義、 教學用途及如何與家人表達意願等,提供 機會讓大家反思生命的價值及意義,並規 劃自己的人生,為人生終點作好預備。
Mr. Pasu NG shared his experience and expertise in the Body Donation
生老病死和生命的長短或許未能選擇,但 面對病患的心態及照顧安排是可以選擇的。 本院癌症病人資源中心與靈實司務道寧養 院於二零二一年三月十二日合作舉辦一個
KEC Life and Death Education Series – "Body Donation Programme"
Due to influence of COVID-19, the third lecture of KEC Life and Death Education Series– ''Body Donation Programme'' , which was organized by three HRCs in KEC, was postponed and finally held online on 6 March 2021. Mr. Pasu NG, the Manager of Dissecting Laboratory, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was invited to be the speaker and shared the objectives and impacts of the Programme. The feedback of the participants was very good which provided a safe and comfortable platform for them to go through a life reflection and to prepare for the end-of-life planning.
Active participation of patients and carers
Smile to End-of-Life
Even though human lifespan was uncontrollable, the attitude of facing the illness and the palliative care was up to our decision. On 12 March 2021, UCH Cancer Patient Resource Centre and Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre co-organized the programme named
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  音樂短片 Music video

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