Page 121 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 121

 名為「從微笑看晚晴」分享會,透過個案 故事分享和介紹寧養院舍服務,讓患者了 解晚晴的需要和社區支援的服務,從而學 會以開放的心懷,面對晚晴的路途,雖然 題目看似沉重,但透過講員的分享及中心 社工的引導,參加者均願意開放表達對晚 晴的想法及關注,為晚晴作好準備。
Everyone was talking about "Life and Death" with smiles
"Smile to End-of-Life" in which we shared several life stories and introduced the services of the hospice centre. Patients were aware of the need and support services in End-of-Life care, and also learnt how to cope with the anticipatory death with an open-minded attitude. Even though the topic seemed to be heavy, with the sharing from the invited speaker and the guidance from our social workers, patients were open and willing to express their thoughts and concerns for the last phase of their life journeys.
     健康資源中心成立 25 周年慶祝項目
受着疫情影響,健康資源中心未能舉辦大 型活動慶祝成立 25 周年,但中心職員都 嘗試花點心思紀念這個重要的里程碑,除 了出版紀念特刊外,亦籌備了不同的慶祝 工作,包括製作中心短片、網頁更新、紀 念品及即時通訊軟件貼圖製作等,希望藉 此與同行多年的義工、病友組織、病友、 家屬、社區伙伴及院內同事一同分享中心 在這 25 年的發展、轉變及服務的點點滴滴。
UCH Health Resource Centre 25th Anniversary Celebration
UCH HRC had been established for 25 years which was absolutely a milestone in the service development. Even though mass celebrating activities could not be launched due to the pandemic, HRC staff had explored other alternate ways to celebrate including publishing a memorial booklet, reforming the website, updating service introductory video, producing souvenirs, and also developing stickers of instant communication apps in order to share with our service partners, volunteers, service users, and hospital staff the happiness and achievements at the 25th Anniversary.
Whatsapp - Android Signal
                Whatsapp - iOS
UCH 119
大家只需掃瞄以下二維碼,便可透過短片教學下載「綠衣天使」貼圖系列 Scan the below QR code to download Stickers

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