Page 138 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 138

 院牧服務報告 Chaplaincy Service Report
駐院之院牧同工雖有更替,但有醫院團隊支 援,服務未受影響。新同工於二零二一年 三月到任。在疫情期間,團契和午間崇拜 由院牧全力負責主領,並廣播到其他樓層。 在臨近復活節與聖誕節期間,駐院院牧舉 行「復活彩蛋獻愛心」及「聖誕報佳音」等 聚會,為職員和院友帶來歡樂,並傳揚主 降生和主復活的大喜訊息。
Carolling programme
CPE「共享全人自我照顧」網上公開講座 Online CPE seminar titled "Sharing Holistic Self Care"
Chaplaincy Services in the Nursing Home
Though there was a staff turnover, the regular meetings were sustained with the assistance from the Hospital Team. Our new Chaplain started her service since March 2021. Fellowship and Friday Services were led solely by the Chaplain without external speakers or volunteers. During the Easter and Christmas, Easter Eggs and Carolling programmes were provided, bringing both the festival messages and joys to residents and staff.
    136 院牧服務-雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院

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