Page 147 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 147

過去一年受疫情影響,院牧事工雖然面對 很多考驗,但我們看見恩典更多。我們深 信遇上這些挑戰與考驗,也是神給我們反 省與探索服侍的機遇,好叫我們謙卑地尋 求祂、信靠祂;並繼續清心地、純良地、 靈巧地在未來仍是多變與不明朗的環境裡 持守服侍的初心與熱忱,經歷更多的恩典, 使我們越發長進,服侍越趨成熟,祝福更 多生命。
Blessings and Challenges
Affected by the epidemic in the past year, we faced a series of challenges in the ministries but we did see that more trials come with greater grace. We are convinced that encountering these challenges and trials is also an opportunity God allows us to reflect on the existing services and to explore future service developments. Thus, we may humbly seek Him and trust Him; and continue to serve pure-heartedly, kind-heartedly and shrewdly in the changing world. May we persevere our original intention and enthusiasm; may we experience greater grace that would make us grow stronger; allow us serve more maturely and bless more lives.
王音發院牧於二零二零年七月榮休。王院牧在東 區醫院服侍 23 年,貢獻良多,留下了佳美腳蹤 Chaplain Mr. Peter WONG retired in July 2020. He served at PYNEH for 23 years and contributed a lot of excellent works
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