Page 157 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 157

 化菜式。其中包括蟹肉扒伊麵、日式滑蛋 親子丼、潮式滷水鵝、炸魚麥樂雞拼薯條 等美食,一解院友們未能外出之愁。
每月特式餐 - 炸魚麥樂雞拼薯條
Monthly special meal - fish and chips with McNuggets Monthly special meal - Chiu Chow style marinated goose
社工部 Social Work Department
sauce, Japanese Oyakadon, Chiu Chow style marinated goose, fish and chips with McNuggets, etc. Residents ate well with good appetite.
每月特式餐 - 潮式滷水鵝
      社工部一如以往,致力為院友在院內提供 多元化的活動,讓院友就算在抗疫的日子, 仍然可以享受歡樂的時光。在疫情的影響 下,外出活動及義工支援服務均被逼暫停。 社工部同事分組負責安排各自樓層的活動, 增加活動次數及種類,包括大小節慶活動, 讓院友有更多參與機會,亦可得知各個節 日的來臨。同時,社工部加強支援院友購 物及增加下午茶次數,藉以照顧院友的物 質需要及讓他們品嚐不同的美食。
The Social Work Department is still committed to providing residents with diversified activities in our home, so that residents can enjoy happy time during the anti-epidemic days. Though outing activities and volunteer support have been ceased, colleagues from the Department were divided into groups to increase the frequency of activities and opportunities for residents to participate. In response to the suspension of visits, the Department strengthened support for residents' shopping and afternoon tea (Nethersole Café) arrangements to fulfil the needs of residents and to taste different dishes. In term of activities, floor and programme activities were maintained so that residents could know the coming of festivals for celebrations.
         歡樂頌親恩-父親節 Father's Day Celebration
Lunar New Year Hand Craft
Birthday Celebration
                            陽光遊 Sunbathing
All About Durian
     ANNH 155

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