Page 156 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 156

 服務報告 Service Report
物理治療部除了為體能較佳的院友提供恆 常的訓練外,也持續加強針對體弱院友而 設的樓層復康運動,包括添置不同的流動 式復康設備,以便職員能在各樓層協助長 者進行合適的運動訓練,保持體能狀況。 另外,治療助理每天到各樓層為長時間臥 床的院友進行床邊被動運動,藉此增加院 友關節活動時間。為了減慢部份院友的攣 縮情況惡化,我們也定時為他們穿戴腳套, 加強關節伸展的需要。
在疫情下,院友的生活環境大受限制,難 以離開院舍去接觸社區。物理治療部為了 讓院友在室內也可以觀賞外面世界的景色, 利用智能模擬系統讓長者感受身處在外地 踏單車的樂趣。長者可直接在電視螢幕上 一邊踏單車,一邊漫遊世界。縱使實體上 未能外出,也能在視覺上離開院舍,放鬆 一下心情!
地上懸浮球運動 Floating soccer sport
Physiotherapy Department
Apart from providing regular gym exercise for the physically fit residents, the Physiotherapy Department aimed to enhance rehabilitation treatments for frail elders by using different mobile equipment at various floors. For bedside treatment, rehabilitation assistants have been arranged to perform bedside passive exercises for frail residents in both morning and afternoon sessions. Regular knee gaiter has been applied for selected residents to control the risk of further contracture development and enhance the needs of stretching exercise.
Under outbreak of epidemic, the living environment of the residents was greatly restricted. The Physiotherapy Department introduced an intelligent simulation system to allow residents ride a bicycle directly on the TV screen while roaming the world. Even though they were unable to go out during the epidemic, residents could leave the home visually and relax!
踏單車遊世界 Simulated outdoor cycling at department
上肢肌力鍛鍊運動 Upper Limb exercise
Catering Department
On average, 40% of our residents are on puree diets. Due to restrictions on food consistency, the diversity of food included in the puree diet is limited and the menu is repetitive. This leads to poor diet compliance, decreased oral intake, and eventually a drop in nutritional status. Thus the Catering Department aimed to improve the nutritional profile and diversity of our puree diet. We introduced a weekly high energy high protein snack into our puree menu with positive feedbacks. Residents enjoyed the diet a lot.
Due to the pandemic, residents were not encouraged to eat at the same table. We have changed from a monthly round table meal to a monthly special meal, introducing different cuisines to residents while staying with us. We have tried E-fu noodles with crab meat
護養院約四成院友因吞嚥能力問題而需進 食糊餐,但由於食物形態上的限制,糊餐 的款式少於一般餐膳,容易令院友失去進 食的動力,結果吃得少而令身體狀態下跌。 有見及此,本年度膳食部致力改善糊餐餐 膳,在每星期的餐單中增加了一份高能量 高蛋白的糊餐小食,重燃院友們對進食的 興趣,鼓勵他們進食,獲得不少好評。
另一方面,因疫情的影響,院友未能同桌 進食,故本年度膳食部把每月一次圍檯用 餐,改為每月特式餐,為院友們帶來多元
154 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素護養院

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