Page 194 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 194

 服務報告 Service Report
United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service
United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service (UCN) is a sub-organization of United Christian Medical Service. Founded in 1972 by Dr. Edward Paterson based on ''Hospital without Walls'' concept, ''Kwun Tong Community Health Project'' provided professional, comprehensive and affordable health care service to the local community. In 1997, ''Kwun Tong Community Health Project'' merged with ''Nethersole Community Health Service'' to inaugurate as United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service.
Nowadays, UCN has developed into a versatile organization with expertise in primary healthcare organization. Based on ''Holistic Health'' model, UCN aims to promote health and prevent disease, conducive to realization of ''Leading a Health Life'' .
基督教聯合那打素社康服務 ( 簡稱「社康」) 隸屬於基督教聯合醫務協會。一九七二年, 巴治安醫生以「無牆醫院」的概念,創辦
「觀塘社區健康發展計劃」,在社區層面為 市民提供專業、全面且費用相宜的醫療服 務,當中包括門診、保健及健康教育推廣 等服務。一九九七年,「觀塘社區健康發 展計劃」與「那打素社區健康服務計劃」 合併,成為基督教聯合那打素社康服務。
時至今天,社康已發展成多元化、專長於 基層醫療的服務機構,旨在秉承「全人健康」 的理念,推動市民促進健康及預防疾病, 實踐「健康生活化 ‧ 生活健康化」。社康 的服務主要涵蓋以下範疇:
・ 預防醫學及醫療服務 ・ 中醫及中醫專科服務 ・ 專職醫療服務
・ 診斷服務
The key service areas of UCN include:
・ 社會服務
・ Preventive Medicine & Clinical Service
・ Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medicine Specialty Service ・ Allied Health Service
・ Diagnostic Service
・ Social Service
Mr. Danny C.K. AU
Deputy Executive Director
Rotary Club Mid-levels collaborated with UCN to provide free breast cancer screening for targeted women living in Tin Shui Wai
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