Page 195 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 195

2019 冠狀病毒病疫情應變及預防工作
承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的 2019 冠 狀病毒病緊急援助基金資助,社康的預防 醫學及醫療服務部在疫情肆虐初期,向易 受感染的長者組群及少數族裔家庭派發 3,000 個防疫包,並為他們提供健康教育。
社康的社區健康中心又向市民提供自願及 強制的深喉唾液 2019 冠狀病毒病測試。
社區健康中心在本年度一共向 162 名 18 歲 或以上人士接種 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗。
全方位服務社區 推動全人健康
社康致力推動全人健康,為正值不同人生 階段的市民提供優質基層健康服務。
為配合社會防疫,社康參與政府的 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃,於二零二零年 三月起在轄下的社區健康中心為市民提供 免費 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種服務。
賽馬會天水圍社區健康中心圓滿完成余兆 麒醫療基金「讓孩子活出亮麗人生」計劃, 為過度活躍症(ADHD)兒童提供所需服務。 這個為期三年的計劃共服務 117 名兒童, 讓他們可以及早接受評估、診斷及治療。 健康中心目前正與周大福慈善基金合作, 繼續為患有過度活躍症兒童提供資助治療。
及早為過度活躍症兒童提供適切診療有助他們健全成長 Clinical intervention in early stage of childhood improves children's personal development who are with ADHD
Preventive Medicine & Clinical Service
Family Medicine Service
COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Preventive Actions
With the generous donation of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust COVID-19 Emergency Fund, the Preventive Medicine and Clinical Service distributed 3,000 hygiene packs to vulnerable elderly and ethnic minority families during the 1st pandemic wave and conducted health education.
UCN's medical clinics provided COVID-19 testing by deep throat saliva specimen, both voluntary and compulsory tests.
Our clinics provided 162 COVID-19 vaccinations to people aged 18 years and above.
Serving the Community as a Whole for Holistic Health
UCN put efforts to promote holistic health, delivering quality primary healthcare services to citizens in different age and stage of life.
To enhance the epidemic prevention work, UCN joined the Government and has been delivering free COVID-19 vaccination in UCN community health centres since March 2020.
Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Community Health Centre completed the programme of SK Yee Medical Foundation ''Bright Futures: early detection and intervention for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)''. A total of 117 children were managed over this 3-year programme. They benefited from early assessment, diagnosis and treatment of their disorder. The clinic is now cooperating with the Chow Tai Fook Foundation to continue subsidised treatment for ADHD children.
社康的社區健康中心向市民提供自願及強制的深喉唾液 2019 冠狀病毒病測試
  UCN's medical clinics provided COVID-19 testing by deep throat saliva specimen, both voluntary and compulsory tests
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