Page 209 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 209

 體)— 金狀」則由社會福利署頒贈,以認 同社康積極參與義務工作,為社會上有需 要人士提供服務,協助建設一個更見關懷 及和諧共融的社區。
Kong. While the ''Gold Award for Volunteer Services (Organization)'' is issued by the Social Welfare Department in appreciation of our active involvement in voluntary service to help those in need for a caring and harmonious community.
社康獲得由社會福利署頒贈之 2020 「義務工作嘉許狀(團體)— 金狀」
  UCN received the ''Social Capital Builder Logo Award'' issued by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
UCN received the ''Gold Award for Volunteer Services (Organization) 2020'' from the Social Welfare Department
承蒙各界支持,社康在基層醫療服務即將 跨越半個世紀,邁向新里程。社康過去一 直以「全人健康」為宗旨,致力發展及推 動基層健康,透過各類服務照顧市民身心 所需。
來年是社康 50 週年紀念,社康仝人積極 籌備不同慶祝活動,與各方好友及伙伴分 享喜悅時刻。同時,社康將繼續在基層健 康服務上實踐「健康生活化 · 生活健康化」 的理念,並向大眾推動預防疾病的重要。
另外,社康作為基層醫療先驅,正期待着 「地區康健站」在二零二一年正式投入服務。 其中,社康的母機構 - 基督教聯合醫務協 會成為了觀塘及大埔「地區康健站」的營 運機構,社康將會負責觀塘地區康健站的 日常營運;同時,將與姊妹機構雅麗氏何 妙齡那打素慈善基金會攜手推動大埔地區 康健站。社康將為兩區居民提供優質可靠
Looking Forward
With great supports from our donors over the past half-century, UCN is going to pass another milestone. Embraced the idea of "Holistic Health", UCN has been propelling the development of primary healthcare forward by establishing services in a wide array, taking care of health needs from service users.
It will be the 50th anniversary in the coming year. Staff of UCN are preparing celebration activities and we look forward to sharing the honour and happiness with our fellows and friends. In the meantime, UCN will continue contributing to primary healthcare services with the concept of "Leading a Healthy Life", promoting health protection information to the public.
On the other hand, UCN, as a pioneer of primary healthcare, services is looking forward to the opening of District Health Centre Express (DHC Express). United Christian Medical Service, the parent organization of UCN, was granted to be the operator for Kwun Tong DHC Express and Tai Po DHC Express. UCN will take up the operation for Kwun Tong DHC Express while also taking that for Tai Po DHC Express in collaboration with Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation, the sister organization of UCN. UCN will deliver quality and reliable primary preventive care medical services to service users.
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