Page 207 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 207

 同時,愛鄰網絡獲得不少機構、私人企業 及社區人士捐贈,包括現金、防疫物資、 福袋禮物包、月餅、食品、眼鏡、現金券、 餐券、個人護理用品、日用品、糭子及復 康器材用品等,超過 6,897 人次受惠。我 們亦與不同的非牟利機構、義工團體、教 會及專上院校等合作,安排探訪活動超過 2,450 人次,為獨居及有需要的長期病患 者送上關懷。
We also received donations from different agencies, private corporations and community in the form of cash, anti-epidemic supplies, gift bags, mooncakes, food, glasses, cash coupons, meal coupons, personal care products, daily necessities, rice dumplings and rehabilitation aids, reaching over 6,897 beneficiaries. We collaborated with non-governmental organizations, volunteer agencies, churches and tertiary institutions to arrange home visits. We visited over 2,450 singletons or service users suffering chronic diseases and gave warmness to them.
  長者透過 Zoom 學習畫畫,感到非常有趣
The elderly felt interesting to learn painting through Zoom
與「牽手 ‧ 香港」義工到戶送贈防疫物資予長者
A home visit programme which was co-operated with HandsOn Hong Kong, the volunteers delivered infection control materials to the elderly
鯉魚門長者日間護理中心致力為觀塘區 60 歲或以上患有長期病患、行動不便和自 理能力較弱的長者,提供適切的日間護理 服務,包括護理、膳食、復康訓練、治療 小組、社交及康樂活動、接載服務及護老 者支援等。本年度共為 101 位長者提供約 300 天的日間中心服務。
中心活動多姿多彩,當中包括不同的節日 性慶祝活動,讓長者感受節日氣氛的歡樂 和加強長者對時令節日的認知。
中心定時的活動有會員大會、護老者茶聚、 生日會、魔力橋大賽、手工藝班、油畫班、 美食班、硬地滾球、歌詠班、快樂椅子舞等, 大家都很投入和享受活動的過程。
香港基督教宣道會油塘堂舉辦一系列福音 活動向中心會員宣揚福音,又定期舉辦義 工活動,為長者理髮,保持他們的外表儀 容整潔。
因應疫情,今年亨達集團雖然沒有親身到 中心與長者玩樂,但仍然捐款 10,000 元給 中心購買鮑片、保溫水杯和湯包作新年福 袋送給長者,讓他們感受到外界團體的關 懷。
Lei Yue Mun Day Care Centre for the Elderly
Lei Yue Mun Day Care Centre for the Elderly (DE) serves elderly aged 60 or above in Kwun Tong District who suffer from long-term illness, low mobility or lack of self-care ability. We address the needs of the elderly and provide appropriate day care services, including nursing care, meal service, rehabilitation exercise, treatment group, social and recreational activities, escort service and the support to caregivers. We served 101 elderly members and provided around 300 days of day care service.
DE organized a variety of festive events, so that our clients felt the joyfulness of festival and enhanced their recognition of all festival meaning.
Regular activities of DE included members meeting, caregiver support group and tea gathering, birthday parties, rummikub, craft and painting class, cooking class, boccia, singing class and happy chair dancing. Members all participated actively and enjoyed the atmosphere.
The Christian and Missionary Alliance Yau Tong Church organised a series of evangelical activities to preach gospel. Volunteers also arraged regular hair cutting for DE members to maintain their appearance neat and tidy.
Due to COVID-19, Hantec Pacific Limited couldnot visit our centre this year but still donated $10,000 for DE to buy lucky bags with sliced abalone, vacuum bottle and Chinese soup packs as new year present to our service users. Members enjoyed the festive atmosphere and love from the volunteers.
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