Page 49 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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 院的發展貢獻力量。 在鞏固各項基本優勢 與多元化的專業知識和經驗後,本人深信 本院將會繼續迎難而上,實踐基督對人的 關懷、憐憫和愛顧,堅守全人服務的使命。
控制 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情
本院保持高度警惕,承擔保障病人和員工 免受感染的重大責任。為了應付 2019 冠 狀病毒病疫情,由醫院行政總監、各臨床 專科部門主管及部門運作經理、專職醫 療部門經理及其他資深管理人員組成的 工作小組每週召開會議,密切監察瞬息 萬變的疫情情況,並就抗疫策略交流意 見。我們亦檢討服務及確保適當使用個 人防護裝備,集中人力和資源以更有效 地應付服務需求。同時,我們將一般內 科病房改裝成設有負壓系統的第二線隔 離病房,藉此完善基礎設施。疫情高峰 期間,我們縮減部分非緊急及非必要服 務,並維持緊急及大部分預約服務。隨 着疫情逐漸穩定,並考慮到社區的醫療 服務需要,本院的服務逐漸恢復正常。 此外,我們按照機構安排提供特別租賃津 貼及緊急應變特別津貼,以支援於高風險 區工作的員工,表揚他們在抗疫工作上的 無私付出。
為加強感染控制措施,本院的感染控制團 隊扮演重要角色,以促進即時行動,包括 建議適當使用個人防護裝備、改善急症室、 住院病房及門診診所等多個部門的病人分 流評估安排、為員工設立呼吸器密合測試 站、為與病人有恆常接觸的所有員工安排 定期的 2019 冠狀病毒病抗原測試、進行 定期的感染控制檢查、就雙手的衞生措施 提出建議,並於 2019 冠狀病毒病確診者 出院後加強環境消毒,例如使用紫外線 C 消毒監察及隔離病房的醫療設備等。為了 向員工通報疫情發展、協助及早識別 2019 冠狀病毒病疑似個案,並更新個案通報準 則及監察系統,本院定期為員工舉辦感染 控制論壇。我們透過電子通訊向全體員工 提供其他預防措施、職員疫苗接種安排及
expertise and experience, I am confident that AHNH will continue to grow in step amid challenges and stand firm on our mission of delivering holistic services with the love, tenderness and concern of Christ.
Manage the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019
AHNH has remained vigilant and shouldered a great responsibility of protecting our patients and staff from the disease. To cope with the COVID-19 situation, the working group comprising Hospital Chief Executive, Chiefs of Services and Department Operation Managers of all clinical specialties, Department Managers of Allied Health Services and other senior executives convened weekly meetings and closely monitored the rapidly changing situation, shared views on the strategies in the management of the pandemic. We also reviewed services and ensured the judicious use of personal protective equipment, aiming to focus the manpower and resources in better managing the service demand. Infrastructure was also enhanced by converting the general medical ward into second-tier isolation ward with negative pressure. During the peak of outbreak, some non- emergency services and non-essential services were scaled down while sustaining emergency and majority of elective services. The Hospital services eventually resumed normal in light of the gradual stabilization of the epidemic situation and taking into account of the healthcare needs of the community. Besides, in accordance with the corporate arrangement, Special Rental Allowance and Special Emergency Response Allowance were introduced in support of staff working in high risk areas and in recognition of their selfless efforts in fighting against the pandemic.
截至二零二一年三月三十一日,自 2019 冠狀病毒病的疫情爆發以 來,共有 396 名確診病人於本院接受治療
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, a total of 396 confirmed cases were treated at AHNH as at 31 March 2021
In an effort to enhance the infection control measures, the Infection Control team of the Hospital has been playing a crucial role to expedite prompt actions, which include advising on the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE), reinforcing the triage assessment of patients in various departments such as Accidents and Emergency, inpatients wards and outpatient clinics, setting up respirator fit test stations for staff members, coordinating regular COVID-19 antigen tests for all staff with regular patient contact, conducting regular infection control inspection and giving recommendations on hand hygiene practice, as well as arranging enhanced environmental disinfection after the discharge of COVID-19 confirmed cases such as the use of Ultraviolet C (UVC) disinfection of medical equipment in surveillance and isolation wards, etc. To alert the staff members on the development of the disease, facilitate early identification of suspected COVID-19 cases and update on the case reporting criterion and surveillance system, Infection Control Forums were organized for staff members regularly. Other
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