Page 61 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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      後記 Epilogue
我們衷心感謝雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 Heartfelt thanks to the collective efforts of the AHNH family, who
大家庭的各成員,齊心協力為本院作出莫 大貢獻,奠定未來的發展基礎。我們亦感 謝醫院管理局、新界東醫院聯網、雅麗氏 何妙齡那打素慈善基金會、醫院管治委員 會的全體成員,持續帶領本院實踐使命, 邁向光輝未來。對於社區持份者及善長無 私地支持醫院服務和發展,我們謹送上最 誠摯的謝意。本院至今取得的佳績將有助 我們應付日後挑戰,繼續提供符合社區期 望的全人優質醫療服務。
has made numerous contributions and built the momentum for the years to come. We are also grateful for all dedicated members of HA, NTEC, AHNCF, Hospital Governing Committee who have guided us to fulfill our mission and prosper over time. Deepest gratitude goes to our community stakeholders and donors for their unfailing support of the hospital services and development. The remarkable achievements accomplished would help us forge ahead to rise to the challenges that come on our way and continue to provide holistic and quality healthcare to meet the community expectations.
                  每年為全體員工舉辦季節性流感疫苗接種計劃, 以「抗疫先要抗流感」 為主題
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme featuring ''Beat the Flu and Keep COVID-19 at Bay'' was an annual event organized for all staff
Get a Vaccine, Stop COVID-19
                                AHNH 59

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