Page 60 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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        服務報告 Service Report
 與義工和病人代表維持密切溝通,同時邀 請他們參與是重要工作。我們每月在網上 召開義工幹事會,而且每季舉辦同行聚焦 小組,以聆聽各方意見,並鼓勵他們參與 遙距支援及網上病人活動。我們亦舉辦網 上義工新春團拜,與活躍的義工建立更強 的團隊精神,有關活動吸引了共 44 名義 工參與。此外,我們還出版了兩期義工通 訊,以推廣醫院義工服務。
因應社區長者的需要,健康資源中心與社 區的各方持份者維持緊密的合作關係,以 便組織風中暖流計劃,為居於三門仔、塔 門和高流灣等偏遠鄉郊地區的體弱長者提 供健康檢查及諮詢服務。
截至二零二一年三月三十一日,共有 585 位人士登記成為義工,他們在二零二零年 四月至二零二一年三月的義務工作時數達 到 118 個小時。
Maintaining close communication and engaging volunteers and patient representatives are essential. Monthly Volunteer Committee Meeting and quarterly Patient Representatives Meeting were held online to seek their opinions and participations in organizing the tele-care and online patient activities. Besides, Chinese New Year Volunteer Reunion online programme was also organized to strengthen the team spirit with our active volunteers. A total of 44 volunteers joined this programme. Besides, two Volunteer Newsletters were published for promotion of hospital volunteerism.
To address the needs of the elderly in the community, HRC has maintained close collaborations with various stakeholders in the community to organize Elderly Supportive Programme in Cold Spell and Hot Summer, providing health check and clinical advice for frail elderly people living in remote and rural areas, such as Sam Mun Tsai, Tap Mun and Ko Lau Wan.
As at 31 March 2021, a total of 585 volunteers were enrolled and they have served 118 hours from April 2020 to March 2021.
Chinese New Year Volunteer Reunion Programme was organized for our volunteers
在偏遠地區提供外展服務,支援高風險的體弱長者 Outreach to remote areas supporting high risk frail elders
                              為住院病人送上親手製作的應節禮物 Handmade festival gifts to in-patients

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