Page 84 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 84

 服務報告 Service Report
承蒙慈善基金會的再度支持,於二零一二 年十二月八日成立的「那打素臨床模擬訓 練中心」完成擴建,並於二零二零年一月 正式啟用,為醫護團隊提供更多元化的臨 床模擬訓練。
港島東區對於癌症服務的需求日益上升, 現時東區醫院每年大約接收 3,000 個癌病 新症個案。醫院獲得陳廷驊基金會捐助, 於二零二零年十二月初正式成立「陳廷驊 基金會腫瘤科綜合日間中心」,以重新整 合腫瘤科日間服務,提升服務質素。隨着 新日間中心投入服務,腫瘤科增加了四張 日間病床,希望紓緩住院病床壓力,同時 已增加家居化療及日間化療的配額,並為 病人提供日間輸血服務。新日間中心將分 階段擴展服務,相關設施環境及服務流程 上的改進,冀為腫瘤科病人提供更好的治 療體驗。
Enhance Staff Simulation Training
With the continuous generous donation from the AHNCF, the Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Centre (CSTC) has been benefited with an additional floor and enhanced facilities to provide more diversified simulation training for healthcare workers since its expansion in January 2020.
Re-integration of Oncology Day Services
The demand for oncology services escalates in the Hong Kong East District, with about 3,000 new cancer cases received by PYNEH annually. The D.H. Chen Foundation Integrated Oncology Day Centre was set up with the generous donation from the Foundation in early December 2020 with the aim to re-integrate oncology day services and enhance service quality. Four day beds are added to augment the service capacity to relieve the pressure of inpatient service while quotas for home and day chemotherapy are added together with ambulatory blood transfusion service. Services of the new centre will further be expanded in phases. Moreover, with the improved facilities and service workflow, the treatment journey and experience of oncology patients are enhanced.
The District's First Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Ward in the Gazette
In order to meet the growing demand of child and adolescent psychiatric services, the HKEC has set up the district's first child and adolescent psychiatric ward in the Gazette for admitting voluntary and involuntary patients in PYNEH under the Mental Health Ordinance. Following a round of preparations, the ward was opened in early November 2020, accommodating 20 beds for children and teenagers in need. The environment, facilities and workflows in the ward are designed by multidisciplinary healthcare professionals, hoping to ease young patients' anxiety and alter the perception of patients and general public towards a psychiatric ward.
「那打素臨床模擬訓練中心」完成擴建,為醫護團隊提供更多元化的臨床模 擬訓練
The expanded Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Centre (CSTC) provides more diversified simulation training for healthcare workers
 有見區內對兒童及青少年精神科服務的需 求增加,港島東醫院聯網於東區醫院設立 首個兒童及青少年精神科刊憲病房,根據
 《精神健康條例》接收自願及非自願住院 的病人。經過一輪籌備,病房於二零二零 年十一月初投入服務,共提供 20 張病床, 支援有需要的兒童及青少年。病房的環境、 設備及服務流程由跨團隊的醫療專業人員 一同設計,期望能夠減輕年輕病人對於醫 院的緊張感,營造出一個「不一樣的精神 科病房」。
     82 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院

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