Page 90 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 90

 服務報告 Service Report
 「醫社攜手 為家導航」 家屬支援計劃
要照顧患上精神病的家人談何容易!照顧 者的壓力往往被忽視。本院精神科與社區 及病人資源部聯同浸信會愛羣社會服務處 及香港大學社會科學學院於二零一九年 九月至二零二零年十二月推行「醫社攜手 為家導航」家屬支援計劃,共為 37 名新 手照顧者提供早期支援。透過家屬教育講 座、朋輩電話關懷及資訊導航,提升家屬 的抗逆力並建立朋輩支援網絡,尤其在疫 情期間更加強網上聯絡次數。計劃亦包括 了問卷及電話訪談兩部份,分別於計劃初 期及結束前進行,進一步了解家屬在接受 服務前後的壓力指數及對照顧壓力的觀感。
Medical-Social Collaborative model to Support Families with Loved Ones with Mental Illness
One can imagine that it is not an easy task to take care of a family member with mental problem. The caregivers' stress matters but unfortunately it was being neglected in the community. Department of Psychiatry and Community & Patient Resource Department of PYNEH, the Hong Kong Baptist Oi Kwan Social Services and the Faculty of Social Science of the University of Hong Kong, jointly organized the project of "Medical-social collaborative model to support families with loved ones with mental illness" during September 2019 to December 2020. A total of 37 new caregivers were being recruited for early intervention. The project aimed at enhancing carers' resilience and establishing peer support network through educational talks, peer care calls and community resources navigation. The service was changed to virtual model during COVID-19 when all on site programmes were being suspended. Pre- and Post- studies were conducted at the beginning and end of the project.
    今次網上研討會吸引了超過 80 位來自港島東醫院聯網醫護及專 職醫療同事、港島東私家醫生、社福機構的前線社工及服務提 供者參與
Over 80 participants, including medical, nursing and allied health colleagues in HKEC as well as General Practitioners, social workers and service providers in mental health field, joined the online lunch seminar
今次的經驗有助病人資源中心繼續與社區伙伴發展多元化及貼 心的精神病患者照顧者服務
Patient Resource Centre, based on the pilot experience, would keep develop diversified and person-centered service for caregivers together with our community partners
  88 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院

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