Page 91 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 91

 新常態下的病人資源中心 服務模式
疫情期間,社區及病人資源部的實體病人 活動及義工服務暫停,改以網上形式繼續 提供病人賦能、社交心理支援及病人組織 交流等活動。
自二零二零年七月至二零二一年三月 ( 共 九個月 ),部門轄下三個單位提供了 104 次病人賦能及社交心理支援網上活動,合 共超過 940 人次參與,包括癌症病人、長 期病患者、精神病患者及其家屬。臨床部 門及社區伙伴均給與支持,而病人也很努 力學習使用網上技術,給予網上學習很正 面的回饋。
此外,於二零二零年十一月十二日順利 舉行「疫˙情不變 病人組織服務交流會 2020」。當天共有 17 個病人組織參加,共 32 名病人領袖及資深義工出席。臨床團隊 代表預先錄製的打氣短片為是次交流會揭 開序幕。今次主題是增強病人組織善用資 訊科技的知識,以促進溝通及維繫會員, 並匯報新常態的網上病人活動及義工訓練 等,以及介紹港島東健康資源網新設的「抗 疫錦囊」。
New Normal brings out New Patient Resource Centre Service Model
Owing to the Emergency Response Level (ERL) in hospitals due to COVID-19, Community & Patient Resource Department has suspended on-site programmes and volunteer services. Instead, all of the empowerment or psychosocial programmes and patient association forum were converted to virtual format under new normal.
During the period from July 2020 to March 2021, our three Patient Resource Centres provided 104 virtual group sessions with more than 940 attendances, including patients with cancers, chronic diseases and mental illness and as well as their caregivers. Both clinical and community partners expressed their keen support to the virtual services for its sustainability to cater for patients' psychosocial needs under the pandemic situation. Patients or carers also gave positive feedbacks to the new arrangement.
Moreover, Patient Group Online Forum 2020 was successfully held on 12 November 2020, with 32 leaders and peer volunteers from 17 patient's associations closely engaged by Patient Resource Centres (PRC). A pre-recorded video by representatives of Clinical Departments was presented in the beginning to cheer up the participants who faced an adverse condition. The forum aimed at enhancing their knowledge in the use of technology in engaging members, sharing the PRC services under new normal and introducing the anti-pandemic friendly kit under "healthyhkec" website.
          不同種類的病人賦能及社交心理支援網上活動 Different virtual group sessions

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