Page 93 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 93

  精美的心意卡及紀念品以「風雨同行,義力滿載」為主題,衷心 感謝本院義工在過去的二零一九年及二零二零年的貢獻 Appreciation card and the souvenir were well designed with the theme of "Stand by you, Volunteering in action" to show our appreciation to our devoted volunteers of 2019 and 2020
     同行 25 載,關愛常滿載
社區及病人資源部於一九九五年九月成 立至今已25年了。我們以「同行25載, 關愛常滿載」為主題,製作了一個設計獨 特的口罩套送予醫院管理層、臨床團隊及 社區合作伙伴、病人及義工等,一方面感 謝他們一直以來的同行和鼓勵,另一方面 是在疫情下送上關愛及祝福。在此,我們 也衷心感謝雅麗氏何妙齡那打素慈善基金 會一直對本部門服務發展的支持。
港島東醫院聯網義工嘉許 2021 是聯網第一版電子版特刊, 方便義工網上瀏覽
The first electronic booklet of the 10th HKEC Volunteer Recognition was produced for volunteers' online access
Walking along over 25 years with love and care
Community & Patient Resource Department has been set up for 25 years since September 1995. Face mask envelops with the theme of "Walking along over 25 years with Love and Care" were designated and distributed to our hospital management team, clinical and community partners, patients and volunteers as a token of appreciation for their unfailing support, as well as a blessing to our supporters and service users in the hard time of the pandemic. We would also like to send our deep gratitude to AHNCF for its continuous support for our service development.
  「同行 25 載,關愛常滿載」是我們的心聲,多謝各方對病人資源 中心莫大的支持
"Walking along over 25 years with Love and Care" truly reflected our deep gratitude to our supporters

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