Page 175 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 175

 前線員工定期進行防感染程序訓練, 如穿上及除下保護衣程序
Regular infection control training for colleagues, such as donning and doffing of Personal Protection Equipment
那打素外展復康事工團隊在疫症爆發的高 峰期,在遵從防疫守則下致力維持服務, 以滿足患者緊急和必要的復康或護理需求。 雖然家居復康服務的新病人轉介數目明顯 下降至 334 宗,約為去年的一半,但家訪 總次數則輕微上升至 5,386 次。
Home-Based Rehabilitation Service (HBRS)
During the peak period of the epidemic, we were committed to maintaining services in compliance with the epidemic prevention code to meet patients' urgent and necessary rehabilitation and care needs. Although the number of new patient referrals for home rehabilitation services dropped significantly to 334, the total number of home visits rose slightly to 5,386.
物理治療師協助病人進行站立轉移 訓練
Physiotherapist assisted the patient in stand-up transfer training
本年度新增三部治療機械寵物,主要應用 於治療認知障礙症患者。在職業治療師的 指引下,服務使用者與機械寵物進行互動、 溝通,更要「照顧」寵物,從而改善心理、 生理和社交徵狀。由二零二零年十月投入 服務,在六個月內已服務 10 名患者,提 供 36 次外展寵物治療。
Nurse carefully checked the H'stix level for patient
Use of Therapeutic robotic pets
Three new therapeutic robotic pets joined our rehabilitation team this year, which were primarily used to treat dementia patients. Under the guidance of occupational therapists, service users interacted and communicated with pets mechanically to improve their psychological, physical and social functions. They have been in service since October 2020, and have served 10 patients and provided 36 outreach services as at March 2021.
Therapeutic robotic dog for training
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