Page 197 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 197

社康轄下共有五間牙科診所,九位牙科醫 生為市民提供基礎牙科、植牙、矯齒等服 務。於二零二零至二零二一年度,因疫情 關係,部份服務暫停,而服務總人次達 21,538。
另外,社康繼續成為「關愛牙醫診所」 一份子,參與「關愛基金長者牙科服務資 助項目」。計劃主要目的是援助經濟上有 困難的市民,特別是那些未能納入社會安 全網或身處安全網卻又有特殊需要未能受 到照顧的人,以及資助有需要的低收入長 者鑲活動假牙及接受其他必須的牙科診療 服務。
除此之外,社康繼續為 65 歲或以上長者 提供口腔檢查服務,加強他們對保持健康 牙齒的意識。
本會作為一所非牟利機構,由牙科服務所 得收益,將會用作本會其他非牟利服務之 經費,以回饋市民大眾歷年來對我們的支 持。
Dental Service
Staffed by nine dental service officers, our five dental clinics provided services such as general dentistry, implant and orthodontics. Some of our services were suspended due to the pandemic, and the total service attendance reached 21,538 in the year of 2020/2021.
Besides, UCN will continue to participate in the Community Care Fund Elderly Dental Assistance Programme with Designated Dental Clinics license under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme. The objective of this programme is to support service users with financial difficulties, especially for those in needs but have not yet been obtaining any subsidies from the Government. The Scheme also sponsors the elderly for denture and other essential dental services.
In addition, UCN will keep providing oral examinations for elder citizens aged 65 or above to enhance their awareness in oral health.
As a non-profit organization, all profits made by our dental services will support other non-profit services offered by UCN as a contribution to the community.
     社康牙科服務為服務使用者提供基礎牙科、植牙、矯齒等服務 UCN Dental Service provides general dentistry, implant and
  orthodontics to service users
二零二零至二零二一年度,受到 2019 冠 狀病毒病疫情衝擊,以及多項防疫政策實 施的影響,各項外展服務使用者人數均有 下降。
本年度舉辦了接近 380 場外展流感疫苗注 射,為約 42,000 名地區人士接種流感疫苗, 當中包括約 20,800 名在學學生及逾 12,000 名 50 歲或以上人士。
本年度,社康繼續為地區團體、學校及私 營機構提供健康講座,當中超過 80% 以 網上遙距方式舉行。另外,本部門暫停以 到訪形式為社區人士提供「至 Fit 人生外 展健康檢查」服務,展望在新常態下,將 以其他方式繼續推廣服務。
Community Medical Outreach
In the year of 2020/2021, outreach service has been greatly affected by the coronavirus epidemic. Number of service users has declined due to numerous implementation of infection control policies.
This year, nearly 380 outreach influenza vaccination events were launched. We have vaccinated nearly 42,000 people, including approximately 20,800 students and more than 12,000 people aged 50 years or above.
This year, more than 80% of health talks were conducted in web- based format. In addition, UCN has suspended to provide on-site mini-health checks for our clients due to the pandemic. We are exploring different ways to promote our services in order to shape our ''new normal'' better.
  社康於本年度舉辦了接近 380 場外展流感疫苗注射
This year, nearly 380 outreach influenza vaccination events were launched by UCN
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