Mr. Christopher K.O. SO
Chief Executive Officer
The corporate culture of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole
Charity Foundation (Foundation) – “Compassionate Love”
and “Holistic Care”, has been upheld for over one and a
quarter centuries. This Christian spirit is the cornerstone of
our service, as well as the driving force for our sustainable
development. In 2014/15, our service units put into
practice our corporate culture through their diversified
services, though little by little, so that the Love of God
and His Grace would be conveyed to our service users,
their family members and our staff. “I (the Lord) will
turn their mourning into joy; I will comfort them, and
give them gladness for sorrow.”
(Jeremiah 31:13)
Up to 2014/15, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing
Home in Kowloon Bay has served the community for
15 years. With creativity and concerted efforts, our staff
colleagues arranged a series of commemorative events
so that our frail residents with limited mobility ability
could participate in the celebrations together with their
family members and community partners, and share the
joy and happiness. The Nethersole Institute of Continuing
Holistic Health Education (NICHE) and the Chaplaincy
Department of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole
Hospital have jointly published “Years of Blessing”.
It has a collection of 52 articles in five different themes
embedded with encouragement and comfort messages.
The DVD version of the theme on “Hymns” was also
produced. A Christian artist and a vocalist were invited to
deliver themessages and sing the ten classic and touching
hymns respectively. The collection aims to enhance the
understanding of the elderly toward the Christian faith
and build up their spiritual strength and life quality for the
enjoyment of enriched lives.
The practice of corporate culture is not limited to the
format and location. Hence, the Chaplaincy Department
of the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
cooperated with different stakeholders in the community
to participate in conference, co-organize vision sharing
luncheon with local churches, so as to promote the
Chaplaincy service and reach out to more service
targets. NICHE shoulders the mission of upkeeping
our cultural heritage and educating our new generation
about the core values. It will take part in the teaching
of a few general education courses at a private tertiary
institution, promoting the message of “Holistic Health,
Holistic Care” to the youth, the professionals and the
general public.
An organization can sharpen its competitive edge by
providing quality services; while a good business strategy
helps to extend the advantageous position to a longer
time. However, excellent and profound corporate culture
could help an organization to sustain and enjoy long-term
prosperity. It coheres our staff anddevelops the centripetal
force, and ultimately, service recipients will benefit most.
Nethersole Outreach Rehabilitation Mission (NORM) and
NICHE have planned to conduct the “evidence-based”
research projects in 2014/15, which aimed to enhance the
quality of service and practices.
We have been upholding the philosophy of “Care the
Carers” throughout the years. We strongly believe that
“service recipients will not be well cared of if staff are
not well cared of”. Hence, we treat our staff as our
most valuable resources. Apart from the Staff Welfare
Programme conducted every year, we kicked off our Staff
and Family Fun Day in 2014/15 to promote the concept of
holistic health. Further, we have spent more than a year to
exercise prudent selection and staff consultation for the
introduction of an additional MPF Scheme in early 2015,
with an aim to facilitate our staff to better manage their
provident funds and make their own choice that suits
their needs.
Looking ahead, the Foundation is marching towards
its 130
Anniversary. Based upon the faith in Christ,
we shall consolidate our services so as to benefit the
wholeness of people in need, his body, mind, social
being and spirit, and to pass on our Christian culture and
heritage. As for the direction of service development,
we shall unfailingly address and respond to the needs
in the community. As pointed out by the Chairman,
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Y.P. SOO,
, in his Chairman’s
Statement, an ageing population in Hong Kong will
give rise to more service needs. As an organization that
specializes in medical and elderly services, we shall take
advantage of our strengths and pursue actively the
opportunities for new initiatives and developments.
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation