Page 198 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 198

 服務報告 Service Report
由公益金捐助的南亞裔人士健康支援計劃, 一直關注本港的南亞裔人士健康。受到新 冠病毒疫情嚴重衝擊,多項原定的健康服 務計劃細節需要調整,包括透過科技等新 方法維持提供服務予使用者,同時確保他 們在嚴峻的環境中仍可以獲得所需的資訊。 過去一年,共有 71 項健康服務以網上形 式舉行。
本年度,預防慢性疾病健康篩查服務一共 服務 6,563 人次,當中包括為使用者量度 血壓、血糖、膽固醇、體脂、子宮頸癌篩查、 心臟及貧血檢查。
我們在社區、學校及宗教團體共舉辦 97 場 健康講座及工作坊,當中 46 場為女士而設, 還有以男士、長者及小童為對象的活動分 別有 12 場、10 場及 29 場,總出席人次達 2,903。
整項計劃有91名專屬義工,共提供765 個服務小時。另外,青年義工則合共提供 480 小時義工服務。
計劃現已進行 150 次家訪,向受訪者宣傳 健康生活及兒童家居安全資訊。
社康製作四本以多種語言(英語、印地語、 尼泊爾語、旁遮普語、烏都語)編寫的季刊, 合共 8,000 份。
計劃又與 49 個伙伴合作,提供健康相關 服務,包括24間機構、19間學校、五個 宗教團體及一間大學。
少數族裔健康服務在社區、學校及 宗教團體舉辦健康講座及工作坊宣 傳健康資訊
EMHS promoted health information via health talks and workshops in a wide array of levels such as community, school, and religion organizations
Ethnic Minority Health Service(EMHS)
South Asian Health Support Programme
Funded by the Community Chest of Hong Kong, South Asian Health Support Programme has been concerning domestic South Asian's health. Though COVID-19 pandemic severely disturbed many of our planned health activities, the programme adopted many contingency plans and measures, using technology to deliver much needed service to service users to maintain accessibility of both service and timely health information. 71 online health events were conducted in total.
In the year of 2020/2021, health screening for prevention of chronic diseases was conducted for 6,563 times, which included measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, body fat, cervical cancer screening, heart health screening and anemia screening.
97 health workshops and talks for women (46), men (12), elderly (10) and children (29) with 2,903 attendances were provided in community, schools and religious organizations.
91 volunteers registered for the programme and our dedicated volunteers provided 765 service hours, in addition youth volunteers provided 480 service hours.
150 home visits were conducted to promote healthy lifestyle and safety of children at home.
Four versions of quarterly multilingual (English, Hindi, Nepali, Punjabi and Urdu) newsletters with 8,000 copies were produced by UCN and distributed in the community.
The programme collaborated with 49 partners, which included 24 organizations, 19 schools, five religious organizations and an university to provide health service.
服務由少數族裔同工負責,得到服務使用 者認同及支持
Services provided by ethinic minority staff got recognition and appreciation from service users
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