Page 199 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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由衞生署控煙酒辦公室捐助的少數族裔及新 移民戒煙計劃,在二零二零至二零二一年度共 有 412 名戒煙人士使用社康社區健康中心 戒煙服務。我們舉辦一連串的戒煙活動, 當中包括七個大型活動(如「世界無煙日 2020」),有 783 人次出席;及 17 個與吸 煙、戒煙及健康相關的講座,有 574 人次 出席。計劃一共舉辦 38 次為吸煙人士而 設的外展服務,又培訓 21 名戒煙大使協 助向公眾宣傳戒煙。
由余兆麒醫療基金捐助的關愛傭工—家傭 婦女健康計劃在二零二零至二零二一年度 期間,為本地外傭提供 315 次子宮頸抹片 檢查,並向當中 32 個細胞發現異常個案 提供人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)核酸測試, 另外亦為四個個案提供陰道鏡檢查。
Smoking Cessation and Domestic Helpers' Health Promotion Service
Funded by the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office, Department of Health, Smoking Cessation Service for Ethnic Minorities and New Immigrants provided 412 quit-smoking treatments for service users at UCN clinics in the year of 2020/2021. We hosted a series of smoking cessation promotion events including seven large scaled events (including ''World No Tobacco Day Event 2020'') with an attendance of 783 and 17 health talks related to smoking versus health and smoking cessation methods with an attendance of 574 at the community level. 38 outreach sessions were conducted to reach out the smokers and 21 Quit Smoking Ambassadors were trained to promote smoking cessation to the general public by the programme.
Funded by the SK Yee Medical Foundation, Helping the Helpers - Women's Health Project for Domestic Helpers provided 315 cervical smear (Pap Smear) tests for domestic helpers in the year of 2020/2021, of which 32 cellular abnormal cases were provided with additional HPV DNA test and four cases were provided with colposcopy test.
EMHS provided simultaneous translation on health 計劃培訓戒煙大使協助向公眾宣傳戒煙
  information for residence and ethnic minorities
Quit Smoking Ambassadors were trained to promote smoking cessation to the general public
UCN's ethnic minority health service also assisted the Department of Health in contact tracing of ethnic minorities during the February's Yau Ma Tei outbreak. Subsequently, UCN also participated in community health promotion for COVID-19 prevention messages by Department of Health for the general and ethnic minority community.
Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medicine Specialty Service
Chinese Medicine Service
Seven Chinese Medicine Centres were established and located in Kwun Tong District (United Christian Hospital, Wo Lok Estate and Sau Mau Ping Estate), Tai Po District (Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Kwong Fuk Estate and Fu Heng Estate), and Yuen Long District (Tin Ching Estate in Tin Shui Wai) respectively. UCN provides Chinese Medicine (CM) treatment including internal medicine,
 社康的少數族裔健康服務更與衞生署攜手 合作,在二月的油麻地社區疫情中協助追 縱個案。其後社康亦積極參與區內的預防 疫情教育宣傳工作,為區內居民及少數族 裔提供署資衞生訊。
中醫服務及中醫專科服務 中醫服務
社康提供七個中醫服務點,遍佈觀塘區 (基督教聯合醫院、和樂邨、秀茂坪邨)、 大埔區(雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院、廣福 邨及富亨邨)及元朗區(天水圍天晴邨), 分別提供內科、針灸、骨傷推拿等中醫服務,
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