Page 200 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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 服務報告 Service Report
  另設穴位敷貼、中醫專科服務和保健養生 計劃等。中藥配劑亦有兼備中草藥、中藥 顆粒沖劑及代煎中草藥服務。
本年度的中醫診症服務總人次為 110,174,而參與中醫健康諮詢及中醫講 座服務總人次為 1,458。另本部門接受各 大電視台、電台及報章訪問合共 99 次。
acupuncture, bone-setting therapy (Tui-na). In addition, body-point adhesive plaster therapy, CM specialty service and CM health care scheme would be offered. For the CM prescription, herbs and granule are available and decoction would be provided upon request.
In the year of 2020/2021, the total attendance of receiving CM treatment was 110,174; while the total attendance of participating in CM health care scheme and the CM seminars were 1,458. CM participated 99 media interviews with TV, radio and printed press.
UCN Chinese Medicine Specialty Centre is committed to enhance the specialty service, which includes oncology, dermatology, acupuncture, bone-setting therapy (Tui-na), geriatrics, gynaecology and pediatric bone-setting therapy (Tui-na). With the devotion of trans-disciplinary professional teams from UCN, several dedicated schemes were launched to satisfy the demand of various treatments, such as ''Chinese and Western Medical Weight Management Scheme'' ,''Chinese Medicine Pain Management Treatment'' and ''CM Medical checks for nine physiques'' etc.
UCN-The Chinese Medicine Clinic Cum Training and Research Centre (Tai Po) (TPCM) is devoted to the development of CM scientific research and nurturing of talents. TPCM provides government- subsidized Chinese medicine services in order to benefit the grass- root people.
In accordance with the needs of various groups, complimentary consultation service, outreach acupuncture service and on-site CM seminars might be offered.
觀塘中醫專科中心致力提升專科專病服 務,包括提供腫瘤科、皮膚科、針灸科、 骨傷科 ( 推拿 )、老人科、婦科及小兒推 拿等專病治療。此外,亦跨專業協同推出
「中西體重管理計劃」、「中醫痛症管理療 程」、「九型體質保健計劃」等專項計劃以 照顧患者不同方面的治療需求。
中醫診所暨教研中心 ( 大埔區 ) 除加強中 醫藥研究及人才培訓之餘,亦提供政府資 助的中醫門診配額,讓更多的基層市民受 惠。
本部門亦會根據不同團體需要,安排義診、 外展針灸及中醫特色講座等外展服務。
  社康提供七個中醫服務點,分別提供內科、針灸、骨傷推拿等 中醫服務,另設穴位敷貼、中醫專科服務和保健養生計劃等 Seven Chinese Medicine Centres were established to provides Chinese Medicine (CM) treatment including internal medicine, acupuncture, bone-setting therapy (Tui-na). In addition, body- point adhesive plaster therapy, CM specialty service and CM health care scheme would be offered
社康部分診所的中藥配劑亦有兼備中草藥、中藥顆粒 沖劑及代煎中草藥服務
In some clinics, herbs and granule are available and decoction will be provided upon request
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