Page 203 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 203

情緒健康輔導服務致力為大眾及專業人士 提供全面服務,包括心理輔導、臨床心理 服務、特殊教育需要兒童評估、治療小組 和情緒健講座及工作坊,亦會邀請海外及 本地專業人士/學者主持專業工作坊,講 解各種心理治療和介入手法。
因應 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影響,我們增 設網上講座及網上輔導服務,冀能為有需 要人士提供及時及適切的服務。
情緒健康是全人健康的重要部份。我們的 心理及情緒健康專業培訓包括講座及工作 坊一直受大專院校、慈善團體、中小學和 私營機構歡迎。但由於新冠病毒疫情影響, 大部份講座需要取消或改期。為配合需要, 我們轉以舉辦九場實體或網上講座或工作 坊。
Emotional Health and Counselling Service
Emotional Health and Counselling Service (EHCS) is dedicated to providing general public and professionals with comprehensive services, including psychological counselling and clinical psychological services, assessment for special educational needs (SEN), treatment groups as well as mental health workshops and talks. EHCS also provide professional training workshops conducted by local and overseas trainers, covering different psychotherapies and intervention techniques. It has always been our hope to serve those facing emotional distress so as to help them deal with emotional problems and difficult moments in different stages of life.
In response to the impact of COVID-19, the centre conducted online talks and provided online counselling services for the people in need.
Mental health is one of the crucial parts of holistic health. The signature professional training workshops and talks on emotional health were welcomed by tertiary institutions, charity organizations, schools and private sectors. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, most of the talks and workshops have been cancelled or rescheduled, there were nine face-to-face or virtual sessions held this year.
      情緒健康輔導服務致力為大眾及專業人士提供全面服務,包括 心理輔導、臨床心理服務、特殊教育需要兒童評估等
EHCS is dedicated to providing the general public and professionals with comprehensive services, including psychological counselling and clinical psychological services, assessment for special educational needs (SEN), etc
An educational workshop funded by Wing Ming Funding Project
  本年度我們再次舉辦「動機式訪談法」基 礎及進階工作坊,約 100 名本地專業人士 參與,參加者對工作坊的評價正面。
倡健學校計劃致力提倡全人健康的概念, 為本港中小學提供有關身心健康的教育活 動。本年共三間小學及一間中學的學生、 教職員及家長參與,總服務人次為 490。
有賴基督教聯合醫務協會、雅麗氏何妙齡 那打素慈善基金會及基督教永明基金的贊 助,我們於年內舉辦實體及網上講座及小 組予學童、家長及社會大眾,更為有經濟 困難而受情緒困擾人士提供了資助心理輔 導服務。
EHCS organised the ''Introductory and Advanced workshops on Motivational Interviewing (MI)'' again this year. Around 100 professionals attended the workshops with great success.
Health Promoting Schools Project aims at promoting holistic health to primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong through holding activities with a focus on physical and mental health. We provided services to three primary schools and a secondary school, benefitting an attendance of 490 students, staff and parents.
With empathic support from United Christian Medical Service, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation and Wing Ming Funding Project, we conducted face-to-face and virtual talks and groups for students, parents and general public. Subsidied psychological counselling service were provided for the people in need.
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