Page 204 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 204

 服務報告 Service Report
  社區復康服務 – 物理治療
社康的社區復康服務由經驗豐富的物理治 療師,分別於觀塘和大埔區的社區健康中 心提供一系列適切的物理治療服務。本年 度診症人次達 1,416,包括復康運動和跌 倒風險評估等。
位於社康醫療中心五樓的社區復康服務部 增設「衝擊波治療」,針對處理慢性痛症。 衝擊波常用於網球肘、肩周炎、足底筋膜 炎、筋腱炎及壓痛點等病症之治療。疫情 下亦豁免衝擊波治療附加費用,減輕社區 人士醫療費用負擔。
持續為各區之不同長者服務機構提供優質 復康治療服務,包括綜合家居照顧服務、 長者日間護理中心及香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金樂活長者「健」社區計劃個案達 158 人。
為公私營的機構提供物理治療教育講座共 10 場,達 265 人次。因應疫情需要保持社 交距離 , 本部門亦提供線上講座及網上短 片指導長者在家如何保持肌肉訓練運動的 習慣。
Community Rehabilitation Service – Physiotherapy
Our professional team of experienced physiotherapists offered a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services in our community health centres in Kwun Tong and Tai Po. This year reached total attendance of 1,416 including rehabilitation exercises and fall risk assessments.
Shockwave therapy treatment being applied to clinic located at 5/F of the UCN Medical Centre at Block J, United Christian Hospital, focuses on the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Shockwave therapy is commonly applied for treatment of conditions such as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis and trigger points. Surcharge service fee was waived during the year of COVID-19 to lessen medical costs to community in need.
Quality rehabilitation services were continually provided for a large variety of elderly service organizations in the community including Integrated Home Care Services, Lei Yue Mun Day Care Centre for the Elderly and the ''Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust District Primary Care Programme for the Elderly'' being reached 158 cases for individual home visit care.
We also provided 10 sessions of educational talks on physical health education with attendance of 265. Due to COVID-19 with social distancing measures, the talks were held in both face to face or virtual mode and we also developed online videos to assist elderly to sustain their exercise habits during stay home period.
Shockwave therapy treatment available at 5/F of UCN medical centre
Diagnostic Service Diagnostic Imaging
In July 2020, UCN introduced Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) service into Jockey Club Wo Lok Community Health Centre. We provided 19,274 imaging tests in UCN community health centres for the people in need.
        診斷服務 影像診斷
二零二零年七月,社康在賽馬會和樂社 區健康中心引入雙能量 X 光骨質密度儀 測試(DEXA)。社康轄下健康中心共提供 19,274 次影像診斷服務予有需要市民。
202 基督教聯合那打素社康服務

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