Page 205 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 205

社康的病理化驗所在 2019 冠狀病毒病疫 情中為社會出一分力,於二零二零年九 月一日起設立 2019 冠狀病毒病核酸測試 服務。病理化驗所是政府認可的指定本 地 2019 冠狀病毒病檢測機構之一。直至 二零二一年三月三十一日,我們為 4,324 名市民做了測試,連同其他病理化驗報務, 服務人次達 25,217。
雙能量 X 光骨質密度儀 The DEXA machine
Pathology Laboratory
Under the outbreak of COVID-19, aim at serving and helping the community, Pathology Laboratory set up the COVID-19 nucleic acid testing service for the community started on 1 September 2020. The Pathology Laboratory is one of a local COVID-19 nucleic acid testing institution that has been being recognised by the Hong Kong SAR Government. Until 31 March 2021, we served 4,324 citizens for the tests and a total of 25,217 headcounts if counted with other laboratory services together.
  社康病理化驗所是政府指定的本地 2019 冠狀病毒病核 酸檢測機構之一,為市民提供相關檢測服務
The Pathology Laboratory of UCN is one of a local COVID-19 nucleic acid testing institution that has been being recognised by the Government providing relevant tests for citizens
病理化驗所在疫情初期便着力引入安全可靠而快速的新 冠病毒核酸測試設備
The Pathology Laboratory introduced reliable and safe equipment to facilitate nucleic acid test for COVID-19
  社會服務 綜合家居照顧服務
綜合家居照顧服務隊為大埔區內 60 歲或 以上的體弱長者、殘疾人士及需要社區支 援的家庭提供膳食、個人護理、健康護理、 護送、簡單運動、家務協助及購物等服務, 好讓他們能在社區中健康和快樂地生活, 於本年度服務共 37,202 人次。
Social Service
Integrated Home Care Services
此外,我們更為 538 人次提供增值服務,
To enable the physically frail elderly aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the needy families in Tai Po to stay healthy and live happily in the communities, our team provides services such as meal provision, personal care, simple nursing care, escort, general physical exercises, general domestic duties, purchase and delivery of daily necessities. The total service attendance reached 37,202 in the year of 2020/2021.
Besides, 538 beneficiaries received value-added services, including ''Festive Dishes'' events sponsored by Apple Daily Charitable Foundation and ''Chinese Medicine Health Talk cum Mindfulness Training'' which supported frail cases' carers to relieve stress. Although the number of mass programme decreased due to the COVID-19, we still held small groups and collaboration with different agencies and churches. In total, the team organised nine home visits to provide proper care for the service users, including gifting ''happy bag'' and sanitizing goods, to give them a sense of care.
當中包括由蘋果日報慈善基金贊助之 「節日加餸」活動及支援體弱個案照顧者之 「中醫健康講座暨靜觀體驗」活動等。雖然
受疫情影響減少舉辦大型活動,但本隊依 然以小組支援形式,並與不同機構及教會 合作進行九次探訪、派發福袋及抗疫物資 活動,讓服務使用者得到適切的照顧和關 懷。
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