Page 206 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 206

 服務報告 Service Report
Distributing epidemic-related supplies during the pandemic period
Festive Dishes'event sponsored by Apple Daily Charitable Foundation
It is the first time for a service user attending online group activity
A big smile on client's face when receiving gift bag during home visit
     愛鄰網絡 Good Neighbour Network
因應2019冠狀病毒病疫情,過去一年 Due to the situation of COVID-19, most of the face-to-face
大部份活動及小組均未能如常舉行。中 心職員教授長者試用不同線上工具,如 WhatsApp 及 Zoom,讓長者能在家參與 活動。長者欣賞中心在新常態下的服務安 排。
中心於疫情期間收到不少友好機構及組織 捐贈防疫物資,包括口罩、搓手液、漂白 水及日常用品送贈予有需要的長者會員, 共有 759 位會員受惠。
204 基督教聯合那打素社康服務
programmes and groups were suspended in this year. We tried to help members to use various online channels, such as WhatsApp and Zoom, to participate in groups and activities at home. They appreciated the new normal of services delivery.
During the pandemic of COVID-19, we received donations of protective materials from caring companies and organizations such as masks, hand sanitizer, bleach and daily necessaries to. We distributed these supplies to our needy members. There were 759 members benefited.

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