Page 56 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 56

 服務報告 Service Report
 我們已經將單位調遷後空置範圍改建成內 視鏡檢驗部,有關工程由雅麗氏何妙齡那 打素慈善基金會資助,旨在將舊有設施變 得煥然一新,以提供現代化的醫療服務。 該項目的重大硬件改善工程包括設立病人 更衣室、病人會面室、住院及門診病人等 候區、加強分隔清潔區及去污區以便消毒 內視鏡、增加檢查室數目及安裝吊架系統。
Funded by the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation (AHNCF), the conversion of a decanted site into the Combined Endoscopy Unit was completed, giving a facelift to obsolete facilities to facilitate the delivery of modern healthcare services. Significant improvements of hardware include the provision of patient changing rooms, a patient interview room, waiting areas for inpatients and outpatients, better segregation of clean and dirty zones for reprocessing of endoscopes, increase in the number of procedure rooms and the installation of pendant system.
Segregation of clean and dirty zones for reprocessing of endoscopes
增加檢查室數目,提升服務能力 Increase in procedure rooms augments the service capacity
  為了維持醫療服務的質素標準,本院持續 完善設備,並發揮資訊科技優勢,包括更 換放射診斷部的電腦斷層掃描系統、逐步 停止重用一次性使用的設備,以及於急症 室和腫瘤科推出住院病人藥物處方系統。 本院亦繼續鼓勵病人使用電子健康紀錄互 通系統及「HA Go」手機應用程式,以提供 適時及適切的資訊作醫療用途,並確保臨 床服務的效率和質素。
全新的智能健康科技及復康概念為醫療服 務開創新可能。年內,本院製作關節置換 術前錦囊,並將其上載至本院網站的網上 復康運動資源中心。該網頁提供有關髖關 節和膝關節置換手術的病人教育,內容包 括介紹症狀及手術過程、術前準備事項的 實用建議、痛症處理及術後運動。術前教 育可以舒緩病人在手術前的焦慮情緒及壓 力,有助他們自我管理,以利康復進程。
In order to keep up the standards of quality healthcare, AHNH continued to optimize equipment and leverage on Information Technology. That included the replacement of a Computed Tomography Scanning System in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, phase-out of reused single use devices and the implementation of In-patient Medication Order Entry (IPMOE) in the departments of A&E and Oncology. The Hospital has also continued to facilitate patients joining the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS) and HA Go mobile app, which provide timely and accurate information for care and enable efficient and quality assured clinical practice.
Emerging smart health technologies and new rehabilitation concept creates new possibilities in service delivery. During the year, the Hospital has developed the Joint Replacement Pre-operative Information Pack on E-rehabilitation Exercise Resource Centre on AHNH internet website. The webpage features patient education for hip and knee replacement, including the introduction to the indications and procedures, practical tips on preparation for surgery, pain management and post-operative exercise. The pre-operative education helps patients relieve their anxiety and stress prior to the surgery, empower them in self-management which in turn facilitates recovery.
54 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院

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