Page 57 - Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Annual Report 2020-2021
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          本院的互聯網及流動版網站成為「三連金獎」得主,表彰醫院過 去三年持續採用無障礙網頁設計,為建構關愛共融社會作出貢獻, 履行社會責任
The internet and mobile websites of AHNH earned the ''Triple Gold Award'' for their continuous adoption of web accessibility design in the past three years, contributing to building an inclusive society and fulfilling social responsibility
        鑑於新常態下的服務需求持續增加,藥劑 部採取多項新措施提高服務能力及便捷度。 2019 冠狀病毒病爆發初期,部分居於內 地的香港居民無法前往本院覆診。藥劑部 與相關部門合作,為這些病人提供藥物, 並由社會福利署負責跨境轉交。此外,自 二零二零年七月起,本院展開了醫管局的 社區藥房取藥服務試點計劃,旨在避免病 人和照顧者非必要地到訪醫院。二零二零 年九月,我們完成擴建專科門診部的藥房, 將領藥處由五個增加至八個,大大縮短等 候時間及提高服務效率。二零二零年初, 我們還為服用華法林、口服糖尿病藥物及 呼吸道藥物的病人提供藥劑師診所服務, 並且大受病人歡迎。截至二零二一年三月 三十一日,共有 279 名病人使用藥劑師診 所服務。
Pharmacy service at Specialist Outpatient Clinic has been enhanced with the increase in the number of Drug issue counters
關節置換術前錦囊網站上的步行訓練 Walking training on Joint Replacement Pre-operative Information Pack website
The Department of Pharmacy has explored new frontiers to expand its service capacity and accessibility in response to the escalating service demand under the new normal. During the initial phase of COVID-19 outbreak, some Hong Kong residents living in China were unable to attend their follow-up in AHNH. The Department of Pharmacy worked with respective departments to fill the medications for these patients and their medications were sent across the border by the Social Welfare Department. In addition, HA pilot programme on drug collection service from community pharmacy has been rolled out to AHNH since July 2020, aiming to reduce unnecessary visits to the hospital by patients and carers. The expansion of Pharmacy at Specialist Outpatient Clinic was completed in September 2020, having increased in the numbers of drug issue counters from five to eight. This greatly reduces the waiting time as a result of the efficient service delivery. Besides, Pharmacist's Clinics for patients on Warfarin, Diabetes Mellitus oral medications and Respiratory medications were implemented in early 2020 and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from patients. As of 31 March 2021, a total of 279 patients have been recruited for the Pharmacist's Clinic.
二零二零年六月十七日舉辦「師前 · 想後」藥物安全論壇 Medication Safety Forum featured ''Learn from the Past, Prepare for the Future'' on 17 June 2020
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